• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



Hello, I'm Splashy. I like stuff such as Warrior Cats, Hetalia, and of course Pokemon. I'm a shy person but I just need to get used to people. I usually not really active on forums, but I figured that I might as well join the Cave of Drogonflies forums because I love the site.
I assume you like to splash? :3 anyways, welcome to the forums! May i direct you toward the roleplaying area? I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself there! But, yeah... Well that's it for me i guess! Welcome once again!
Oh hi!!! May I direct you to the newly-changed Anime-Style Battling forums? And while I'm here, did you get B/W yet? I didn't.
Welcome! I LOVE the Warriors series, too, so you might want to check out the club about it in the Clubs section. I tried to get into Hetalia (PASTAAA~) but I kept getting confused. Does Axis come first or what? Anyway, welcome to the site.
Greetings! Once again again, you, like the other user, have made a horrible mistake of registering at this forum. Yes, even i am a victim of Butterfree's Trademark Grins..Well, anyway, in case you get attacked by confusion, take shelter in the video gaming section. Happy posting! *spooky music plays*
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