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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



Huge lurker.
Hello. Yesterday was my birthday, and this is my first post in The Cave Of Dragonflies Forums. I am very shy and nervous, but I will brave my fears.

Obviously, I love Pokémon, or I would not be on this site. Through lurking on the forums of Pokémon fansites, I have gotten into My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, seeing the very large quantity of MLP:FIM fans. I have absolutely every episode of MLP:FIM recorded. I have very many interests that I have a little knowledge of, although there are a small number of subjects that I have an astronomical amount of expertise in. I am also an occultist who practices real magic spells.
Vehement Mustelid, do you want to learn how to be a sorcerer? You can do all sorts of things with magic, but I do not guarantee that magic spells will do anything for you at first; they require a lot of practice and faith to pull off. Magic spells may be ineffective if you are a skeptic. Some spells are more effective than others. Some spells are safe, some are dangerous. Have wise judgment. If you are interested, than I can teach you a very safe spell for protection. I will give credit to the contributor.

Why do I still see the header after I have made my introductory thread?
I'm sorry, but the header tends to linger temporarily. It should scamper soon enough.

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Mohacastle (as the infobox above/to the side shows), and I'm the resident Spore addict and die-hard animator, albeit I suck.
As is tradition, take this assistant, General Nebulon:

As well as his assistant, Private Nebulon:

And, just for kicks, this adult Eevee:

Those are all my gifts.
VM is correct in saying that you like MPL, meaning that, unfortunately, you will fit in with all the other Pony addicts here, and mind, there are many.
I thank those who welcomed me. The header is now gone.

Mohacastle, your animation is not bad. You are showing low self-esteem. It is ultra unfair that you made the Espeon most highest ranking, and the Jolteon, most lowest ranking. The fact that I will fit right in with the mega large MLP:FIM population is actually fortunate for me.

Server congestion is making posting and navigation difficult.
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