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New member
As I stared at the computer screen, Wondering what to write, I looked at my nintendo DS, And gulped, Seeing the un-started game, I quickly button mashed through the starter text, And go to the screen, "Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?" I chose girl, I thought, "I better name my character.." And wondered.. Jessica or Nyamolia? People call me both.. Ill go with Nyamolia. I then decided to turn to my computer. I realized I had been procrastinating, So I typed what I did in the last five minutes, As It described me.

Hey. Im Jessica, I hear you guys drink Tea and eat Cod! I love cod! Please give me some D;

I like POKeMON. Yes. I dont know how to do that funny e., Runescape, and computers. My sexual orientation is Dont ask Dont tell. har har. Anyway. I like guitar hero, And metal music.

(edit) I forgot, Im very talkative. (/edit)

My favorite pokemon is Charmander. My least is bulbasaur. Dont know why.
My favorite song is lips of an angel. Almost wrote touched by an angel. - raises an eyebrowl. -

I'm practically writing my life story. So I'll let you guys go and post if you wish, Otherwise, Just go off and ignore this! I don't mind. Its not like it will make me feel any less popular... -shifty eyes-
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Hey there~ I am EeveeSkitty, a huge welcomer of TCOD. I give out cat plushies to newbies to welcome them. As you appear to be new you are gifted with a your prize, a cat plushie.

Zomg! Oh, And by the way, My thing appearing at the top of the screen didnt go vanish because I used the back button to get back to the main page. ;-; - lazy -
Oh, And by the way, My thing appearing at the top of the screen didnt go vanish because I used the back button to get back to the main page. ;-; - lazy -

o_O What are you going to do? What make another thread? But I don't think you're allowed to...

I haven't been in the situation ^_^
Well, Its gone now. o.o I be tired but hyper. When zim comes online msn I shall have fun talking and discussing things.

Now, Can you point me to where to discuss what IVs do to a pokemon? xD I know EVs + (EV/4) to a skill, And natures *1.1 to one and /1.1 to another.. But.. Dx IDK what IVs do to pokemonsss. - newb -
All you need to know.

IVs – Individual Values

What are IVs?

The easiest way to explain IVs is that they’re like your Pokemon’s genes. They decide how high each of your Pokemon’s stats can go, and are decided when you catch them or receive them, as an Egg or from another character in the game. They never change. They are also the reason why two of the same newly-caught Pokemon at the same level with the same Nature can have different stats.

Each of your Pokemon’s stats has a different IV value from 0 to 31, 0 being awful and 31 being perfect. At LV 100, a Pokemon with 31 IVs in their HP stat will have 31 more HP than a Pokemon with 0 IVs in their HP stat. Therefore, IVs directly correspond with your Pokemon’s stats.

How do I know what IVs my Pokemon has?

This value is hidden, and you can’t tell a Pokemon’s IVs just by looking at their stats. There are a few ways you can determine your Pokemon’s IVs:

1. A very complex formula explained here:


2. A much easier to deal with IV calculator:


Since IV calculators are only COMPLETELY accurate when your Pokemon is at LV 100, the calculator will show the min, max, and average IVs your Pokemon can have. For example, if it shows 20 for the minimum and 25 for the maximum, your Pokemon has an IV of anywhere from 20 to 25. The average will just be the number in between those two numbers, in this case 23. The average is NOT necessarily your Pokemon’s exact IV.

You will get more accurate answers if your Pokemon is at a higher level. Also remember that if you have battled with your Pokemon then you have gained EVs (explained below), which will make the stats inputted in the IV calculator inaccurate. If your Pokemon was not at a high level when you caught it, use Rare Candies until it is as high as you can get it, preferably LV 20 at least. Then you can input the data and reset to save the Rare Candies.

3. In Emerald only, you can check with the “Pokemon Breeder” at the Battle Frontier. If you’re not looking for specific numbers, just the general range of your Pokemon’s IVs, he is your best bet. He is located in the house directly above the Pokemon Center at the BF.

He will rate the first Pokemon in your party, first by TOTAL IV count:

“This one, overall, I would describe as being of average ability.” 0 – 90 total IVs
“This one, overall, I would describe as having better-than-average ability.” 91 – 120 total IVs
“This one, overall, I would say is quite impressive in ability!” 121 – 150 total IVs
“This one, overall, I would say is wonderfully outstanding in ability!” 151 – 186 total IVs

And then he will rate your Pokemon’s highest INVIDIUAL IV count (note that if your Pokemon has more than 1 perfect stat, he will choose one at random to mention):

“Incidentally, the best aspect of it, I would say, is its (insert stat here)..."

“That stat is relatively good. ...Hmm... That's how I call it.” 0 - 15
“That stat is quite impressive. ...Hmm... That's how I call it.” 16 - 25
“That stat is outstanding! ...Hmm... That's how I call it.” 26 - 30
“It's flawless! A thing of perfection! ...Hmm... That's how I call it.” 31

How do I get better IVs?

A Pokemon’s IVs are completely random, but you CAN influence IVs through breeding. A Pokemon will inherit 3 IVs from its parents (which stats pass down their IVs, and which parent they are passed down from, is chosen at random), and the other 3 stats will have random IVs. If you breed parents with good IVs, and you are patient, you will eventually get a baby with very good stats. To ensure that you have a better chance of passing down good IVs, if possible, you can replace one of the parents with a hatchling of the same gender if you find that the hatchling has better IVs.

If you are trying to get good IVs on a Pokemon that can't breed but does have an overworld sprite, such as most legendaries, you can soft-reset for good IVs. To do this, you will have to use the equation linked to above in order to calculate what the Pokemon's stats need to be for it to have perfects IVs at the level you encounter it. Then you'll have to catch it to see what its stats are. Only worry about two or three stats and a good Nature, or you could be soft-resetting for a very long time. You won't be able to use Rare Candies to level it up all the way to calculate its exact IVs because if you do, and it turns out to have excellent IVs, you'll be stuck with an outstanding Pokemon that can't be EV trained (more on this below).

What is HP/Hidden Power and what does it have to do with Ivs?

The move Hidden Power (TM 10) has a different move type and power based on your Pokemon’s IVs. Since IVs don’t change, the Hidden Power your Pokemon has is the one it will always have.

Here is the main site’s page on HP, and an equation on how to figure out what kind your Pokemon has:


The main site’s IV calculator also shows you your Pokemon’s HP type and power, but again, since IV calculators are only completely accurate at LV 100, you don’t want to rely on the calculator to tell you your Pokemon’s HP. The best way, if you don’t want to bother with the calculation, is to battle a Kecleon. When you use the move, Kecleon will change to the type of your Pokemon’s HP.

If you can’t find Kecleon, or you aren’t using a game that has it, just use process of elimination. For example, if you battle a Grass-type Pokemon and Hidden Power is super effective, it can only be Fire, Poison, Ice, Flying, or Bug. Battle another type to eliminate more options until you’re left with the only possible HP type your Pokemon can have.
Chikoriita isnt just awsomesauce. It's the whole awesome meal. And hai zim. GUESS WHAT> >=( DAMN ME AND MY NOT CATCHING POKEMON AND MY FRIEND WHO BORROWS MY POKEMON TO TRAIN IT.
Shinx - Level 7 - Left-over effect of PKRus.
My chimchar wont get it now..
Oh hey there! *really wants to type "O HAI THAR" but that would be improper*

I'm Shadowstar, lover of RPs with a grand total of 44 that I am a memeber of~! I like Death Note, Code Geass, drawing manga/anime, Role Playing, welcoming people to "tea cod" (in my words TCoD), spriting, writing fanfiction although nothing decent has come from my key board in ages, Warriors, and I think that's it...? I dun no. XP

I dislike n00bs, flamers, spammers, Firestar(THE CAT.), and doing anything off the computer.
Welcome, Nyamolia. You get é by holding Ctrl and Alt (Or just Alt Gr) and pressing e. Incidentally, that works for ebery vowel, and for capitals. So you can get áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚ through that method.

If it doesn't work, Google 'Alt codes' or similar and you should find instructions on how to do it.
Hey, welcome! I disagree with all of you. Cyndaquil is the awesomest starter. =p

I love Warriors, too, pretty much any book including Harry Potter and Twilight, almost any manga or manga.

Why do you hate Firestar, Shadowstar?
Welcome, Nyamolia. You get é by holding Ctrl and Alt (Or just Alt Gr) and pressing e. Incidentally, that works for ebery vowel, and for capitals. So you can get áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚ through that method.

If it doesn't work, Google 'Alt codes' or similar and you should find instructions on how to do it.

That's because all vowels in the spanish language can be accented.
I know.

And French, and German, and basically every other language that isn't English.
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