• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



Hi I just joined and I'm sitting next to Mewtwo in computer class =D And Mewtwo is also typing this. But I am a different person. Okay, Mewtwo is done now. Type away, Roof!

Thank you Mewtwo for that LONG explanation. So anyway, I just joined

you said that aleready roof
Also, italics means Mewtwo is typing Roof's intro.




Okay, fine.
M'kay, so this be The Cave of Dragonflies. It's pretty much a giant cod which is home to a few colonies of dragonflies (that may or may not be Yanma). This cod is not exactly a diety, but it stands in the center of our religion, codism. These lovely buildings you see in the distance are the Pokémon Building, the Non-Pokémon House, directly connected to the Debating Hall, and we also have the Creative Studio, but you can't see it from here. The Café of Doom is somewhere behind the Non-Pokémon House, it connects to the Insanity wing, but you don't need to go there.

The dragonflies swarm us every now and then, but the alarms will go off when that happens: just stay indoors.

So... enjoy your stay~
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