• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



^ pretty amazing
Hey I'm brandman1996. Well I've been reading the site for years now and its nice! I just cannot believe I haven't joined the forums yet. Well, I know the most about pokemon then anyone else I know and been interested in it the longest. It was nice way back when Jhoto was first hitting the states, everyone in my family knew all about pokemon, but now they don't remember, so. I gotta wrap this up since I'm posting from the Wii and that's hard so. Anyways hello!
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Hello person. Nive avvie! Did you make it?

Anyways, haiiii~ I'm Mewtwo Psinao. Honored to be your first greeter. *curtsies* I'm a random spriter, drawer, (though I don't have an art thread - YET) Grammar Nazi, and RP fanatic.
Thanks! Yes I did. I like Mewtwo and Charizard a lot so the other day I decided to splice them. Nice to meet you!
Nice to see spriters joining this place; the spriting forum feels a bit empty. Anyways, I'm Kai. You'll mainly see me around the artwork forum and it's sub-forums. Welcome.
Hi Kai! Nice spriting. I sprite some every now and then. I got my training from the pokemon crater. So I can do a lot that others can, but some of the stuff I see you guys do is amazing! And ... hehe... I don't know how to make sprites move :sweatdrop:. I wish I knew...
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