• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



New member
*robot voice* Mudkip, the Mud Fish Pokemon...

... I mean, hello, I'm a 18-year-old French girl and my favourite Pokemon is Mudkip. I discovered this forum recently, although I had discovered the site a long time ago. I apologize in advance for my English mistakes, I'll try to do my best. I don't know what to add, so feel free to ask questions !
... And I have already found the phrase "Blueberry pie" twice on these forums. Is it some kind of private joke ? Me and a group of friends use it as a private joke too (Tarte aux myrtilles), so I was wondering.
Hello there, um... do you mind if I call you Ze for simplicity sake? And by the way, your English looks fine to me (but considering you've only made one post as of present, we'll have to see more of it).

Anyway, I'm Skroy Horitz, and welcome to TCoD, the place where you can drink tea and eat cod. Speaking of which...*ahem*... voulez-vous une grenade avec votre thé et morue?

(I speak minimal French— which I desperately need help with— and I don't watch the French show "Une grenade avec ça?"; I just like the words. ^ω^).
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Welcome. I'm Ramsie and your English is very good. Much better than my French. If "blueberry pie" is private joke here, it's lost on me. I hope you enjoy your time here.

What kind of music do you listen to?
Hello and welcome.

'Blueberry Pie' isn't the private joke here. That would be the fact that we all supposedly eat and drink tea and cod. Feel free to join us.
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