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Hello everyone,I'm new to this forum,and i just found out about it after visiting The Cave Of Dragonflies for a while.My Favorite Color Is Red And I will not chew cod if KlutzyKaytix33 is going to mention that and tea!Why won't the banner die...Go away you banner...

Favorite..hmmm thats a tough questoin,I love them all,oh yeah banner is gone since i posted in a scariest boss thing,but if you have to ask i mostly like charmander qyndaquil(did i spell that right)and pikachu cant decide which i like most,legendary it's giritina in his/her/its sky form!And that sprite in my avatar was made by me,used sprites from Dragonfrees sprite generater thingy,and its a Richukano(Riolu,Pichu,Pikachu,Articuno)I NEED NO KNIFE*takes out a rocketlauncher machine gun the size of a pistol with rockets that are fast and powerful and are the size of a cookie crumb*I will blow up all banners!!!!!
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Hi, I'm darky. Yeah that banner *does* suck. Here take this knife it might just do the job. So, welcome to the forums! Whats your favourite pokemon?
Welcome I'm Ramsie. Please don't destroy the pretty banners! Only the annoying/ugly ones. Hope you enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the TCod forums, where we drink tea and eat cod. >:-) You will mostly see me in the creativity section. Enjoy!
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