• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hey guys, new around here.


Pinkamena Diane Pie
I've been to the Cave of Dragonflies site before, and it's where I first learned how to art, even if I'm still noobish at it.
Welcome to the cave.

I'm Zodiark, residential unholy serpent, and I hope you have a good time here.

Have some tea.
Hi, Pinkamena. I'm Qvalador, the resident idiot. You seem interesting enough, based on your itty-bitty introduction, so I'll let you in on a little secret.

You see, deep within the Cave of Dragonflies' source code, we find a special deity. Just by viewing the source code, we find a bunch of HTML and CSS and Java mumbo-jumbo that only three percent of the living population can decode. However, when we look closely, we can see the source of the site's amazingness. Under first examination, we find this:


But, after years of strenuous research, I have discovered a new element in the source code. After reading these words, you too will be able to see it and its full power.


This is... truly extraordinary, to put it one way. I'm currently researching more Pokémon fansites, and I'll get back to you all with my work at a later time. Thank you for your time.
Hi, Pinkamena! Here, have a jelly baby! I'm SonicScrewdriver-yes, sonic screwdriver-Taco. Don't ask about the name. Enjoy your stay :D
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