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Current gossip on Windia: The Windian Magazine

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Mike wins comic award and Princess EeveeSkitty is named angry and short tempered

Windia has recently, after much voting given Mike's comic the Royal Windian Comic award for lolz, awesomsauce and other stuff.

Rumor says it, that Windian princess EeveeSkitty was behind all this and was the one who submitted 100 votes into the voting slot.

Many defend our dear ruler Princess EeveeSkitty and many think she was the one to overvote however as Princess she has total control over her land meaning she is fine either way.

'Princess EeveeSkitty is a stuck up slob that has no life' says a beggar to many newsreporters at five twenty two Sunday night.

'That beggar is the stuck up slob' says Princess EeveeSkitty's best friend Queen Lily of Awesomeness and Darkness 'and having no life is an old and meaningless thing to say'

Before the other clambering fans and enemies came up to rush the poor news reporter to almost certain death, Princess EeveeSkitty(also known as Princess Eve Skittia) came up and showed some shouting and angry skills to the crowd.

Some now see Princess EeveeSkitty as a angry short tempered Princess who has no right to rule Windia but for now her fans override the angry mobs formed.

*Picture of Princess EeveeSkitty presenting Mike with his award*

*Picture of Princess EeveeSkitty surrounded by angry mob and reporters*

-End of page-

Page 2:

Princess EeveeSkitty hires King Philly for the job as a Royal General for the Windian army

Princess EeveeSkitty calls for a new Royal General for her growing army. King Philly answers her call right away and is off. Just like that. No application, proof of the boring stuff or anything.

Princess ES claims that she let him work because he was trusty but some are in doubt about people from other countries being Generals. Princess ES refuses to answer any other questions and can't be bothered because of her now stuffed email box.

*Picture of Princess EeveeSkitty at the Royal Official Business Centre officially declaring Philly General.

God I do so much work for Windia *breath* *rests hands*

This is nothing, just fun. No one should be offended by anything in here including me.

Cookies to those who read~

Why did I make a whole Magazine for Windia? I'm crazy :)
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Randomness is not funny!

...Yes it actually is. I'm almost at 200 posts. Who said you become a Metapod at 200?

Edit: Whoever said 200, you're right!! Woot!!!!!!
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Yeah, but from what I have seen, he is a watcher, not a poster. But, Styliboy, you need to join the new Arylettopian RP.
There's no real problem with that...I guess. And I looked at your new RP. It looks good, but I dunno whether I should join...
Lucas, you gonna join Philly's RP? It's actually kinda good. Ain't that surprising?
HEY! I have made a few good RPs in my day, but the members... left. This time people are VERY interested. Already two pages in a few hours.
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