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HeyOMyo! in the Heyhouse!


New member
Hey-o Im HeyOMyo! I like pokemon. I dont really like rpg-ing, i cant think of good characters. Like this one time. I'll type it for u!


It was last year. The start of the year. I can remember because it was a day that was branded into my brain! I was surfing a site, which i rather not say, looking at rpgs when i saw a good pokemon trainer type one. It was where we created a team and kinda battled them out. I joined it, but i guess i must of made it seem like i was better than everyone. heres the team i used:

Lvl 1
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Pump
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Fang
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Cannon
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Punch
Natural Cure/Wonderguard
Hp: 1500
Attack: Max
Speed: Max
Defence: Max
Sp. Defence: Max
Sp. Attack: Max

Lvl 1
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Pump
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Fang
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Cannon
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Punch
Natural Cure/Wonderguard
Hp: 1500
Attack: Max
Speed: Max
Defence: Max
Sp. Defence: Max
Sp. Attack: Max

Lvl 1
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Pump
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Fang
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Cannon
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Punch
Natural Cure/Wonderguard
Hp: 1500
Attack: Max
Speed: Max
Defence: Max
Sp. Defence: Max
Sp. Attack: Max

Lvl 1
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Pump
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Fang
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Cannon
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Punch
Natural Cure/Wonderguard
Hp: 1500
Attack: Max
Speed: Max
Defence: Max
Sp. Defence: Max
Sp. Attack: Max

Lvl 1
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Pump
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Fang
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Cannon
Super Mega Ultra OHKO Fire Punch
Natural Cure/Wonderguard
Hp: 1500
Attack: Max
Speed: Max
Defence: Max
Sp. Defence: Max
Sp. Attack: Max

Lvl 1000
Super Duper Mega Wega Ultra Oprah OHKO Never-Beaten Fire Pump
Super Duper Mega Wega Ultra Oprah OHKO Never-Beaten Fire Fang
Super Duper Mega Wega Ultra Oprah OHKO Never-Beaten Fire Cannon
Super Duper Mega Wega Ultra Oprah OHKO Never-Beaten Fire Punch
Natural Cure/Wonderguard
Hp: 150 000 000 000 000
Attack: Super Mega Ultra Double Max
Speed: Super Mega Ultra DoubleMax
Defence: Super Mega Ultra Double Max
Sp. Defence: Super Mega Ultra Double Max
Sp. Attack: Super Mega Ultra Double Max

Yeah so that was my team. I said 'Its my pride and joy! I even have the real team! It's even better played in the game! My Lvl 1 Deoxys could beat the WHOLE Elite 4 with 1 shot per pokemon! Thats an average of like 6 shots per Elite 4! I got up to Cynthia and didnt even have to battle! She just surrendered to me! And gave me all the pokemon in the world!'

So after half an hour, the OP of the thread told me 'That team's fake! You can't battle here! I'm reporting!' then loads of people started flaming me! I told them to stop flaming me or i'd report them for uncalled for flaming and accusations! Then i tried going to a certain place in the forum and i had been banned! I pleaded and PLEADED for my account back, but the Admin deleted the forum and since i had my email on public, people started emailing me naughty stuff and i was sad! I pleaded and PLEADED my mum to let us move to Antarctica, but she said I deserved it because what I did was really bad!


So thats that! I moved to this forum threw an affliate of a site, and i vowed never to rpg again! I might do it next year, when I'm over it, but im not sure.

Feel free to welcome me!
Um...well...that is a rather n00bish team...um...


Have a cat plushie...


*runs off*
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