• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hidy-ho neighbours

Evil Link

New member
Hi guys,

So I'm new to the forums here, though I've known about the Cave for a fair while. Just never saw the Forum link. >_>

Anyway, I don't often do these introduction things, so I don't really know what to say. Obviously I'm a Pokémon fan, with a main interest in competitive battling. That said, I love just playing through the games as well and have been a fan since I was 6, back at the release of Red.

Outside of Pokémon, I'd consider myself a hardcore gamer, I listen to metal music (Iron Maiden ftw) and I would consider myself artistic even if I'm not as good at it as some other people I know.

That'll do for an introduction, I think. Or I hope it will, it's late here and I'm getting really tired. In fact, I don't even know why I wrote this at 3am and not just waited 'till I got up. xD

And if anyone gets the title reference you win a cookies. Lots of cookies.

Also, it took me far too long to notice the confirmation link in the rules. I even read them, but missed that line. ;_;
Welcome Evil Link! I'm Mini_Moonwalker, the hotel waitress. Welcome to the TCoD Hotel~ (...Yeah, I do this alot. >_> Prepare to be randomed, I guess...)

Your profile is your Hotel room, the pool is the threads, and the gift shop is the Art Request Shop. You also get a free friend request from me as a welcome gift. :3

Now, would you like some coffe and salmon? Tea and cod? RedBull and crabcakes? Milk and cookies? I has it all. :3 Here, let me take your luggage. :3

Now, I recomend the Anime-Styled Battling, since It's very amusing. Also, it seems like I shalln't win a cookie. *shot* D: Oh, and seeing that you like art, why not join the 'Obsessive Scribblers' club? You can post your art there for people to see and critizise. Well, you can do that in other places, too, but... 0_o

Enjoy your stay~ Oh, and beware of the w-

...I'll let ProgMetal_64 say that. It's his thing to say it. :3 Anyways, welcome and enjoy! :D
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My 90's Sitcom Senses are tingling.

Anyways, welcome, and remember that the Tea and Cod is an old unfunny joke that for some reason people keep proprietating.
Darn it, Blastoise, I wanted to say the reference.

Well, I'm Flareth, resident fan of the 90's and Whose Line. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Enjoy your stay~ Oh, and beware of the w-

...I'll let ProgMetal_64 say that. It's his thing to say it. :3 Anyways, welcome and enjoy! :D

Yes. Beware the welcome mats. But you must wipe your feet or die, so be on the lookout for any mat that doesn't say "welcome" as those are the ones that are safe.

I am also another resident supplier of coffee and salmon. Want some?

ANYWAY...enjoy your stay, new person!
Welcome! This is TCoD, the place where people argue over greeting new people in various ways and offer you various seafood and beverages.
I hope you enjoy your stay!
Thanks for the welcomes. And the various forms of seafood. :3

And thanks for the recommendations as well, Mini_Moonwalker, I'll be sure to check them out too.

Also, I'm surprised, and happy, to see so many people got the reference, didn't think anybody cared about it.
AAAHHH! I'm always too late. DD:

I'm Superbird, resident Scratch Spriter. I've been getting very little business lately for some reason... I am on here pretty much every minute from 9 AM to 10 PM.

...Unfortunately, the action all seems to happen during the time when I'm asleep. I don't stay up until 1:00 AM!

So, Evil Link, I hope you are one of the 50% of new members who stays in this community instead of running away after 20 minutes. Enjoy your stay!

[size=-3]Does anyone notice that we're getting a lot of new members lately? And that they're all coming when I'm NOT on? *grumble*[/size]
HOME IMPROVEMENT!!! Wilson's catch phrase! Gotta love that show... Anyways , I'm Magnemite and I've liked Pokémon since I got yellow version... 5 or 6 years old... Never stopped since! Also, I suck at lengthy details... XP
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