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Hiya Luckies nya!!<3


grebbin' pens!
Hiya luckies~!^^*
Here's my lil intro so throw your hands up in the air and say "yaaay!" <3
A big big happy hi to everyone nya~ :3
I'm Amai Hime and i always try to stay happy and smile lots!^^*
*laughs* i'm here cuz my onii chan showed me some of the art threads and i thought they were uber amazing!!<3 i really love to draw lots, so i'll show my art too! pokemon are so cute~<3 my favourites are castform<3 gardevoir<3 and manaphy<3 they're cute ne^^*
i guess you could class me as an otaku, i think that fits me best, right? :3
my onii chan is Black Hood! da-da-dadaaaa!! *hugs him*
nya, so please call me "amai chan" :3
eheh, i may be a bumbling newbie but lets get along~<3 ^^
see you around~! ^o^
lol, glad to finally have you here imoto chan, so welcome to tCoD, im sure many ppl will be willing to offer helpful advise, crit and comments. so lets hope you enjoy you stay here #~^

i can also intro some friends for ya lol xD a few close friends of mine im sure will be happy to help you out #~^
Hi there. We've been expecting you. Black Hood's told me quite a bit about you.

Anyway, I'm Kai. You'll mainly see me around the artwork or spriting forums. Welcome to tCoD.
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