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Hooray! Ensamble and concert! :D

I am full of glee. On the 28th of September, I will be going to my first "screaming, jumping, yelling crowds" concert. I've known about that for a few months now, and I'm getting so eager for it! It's my first concert in that context; my first concert of famous people on radio was in Nashville at the Grand Ole Opry. But I'm excited because the band I am going to see is the duo Sugarland! And I love them. Plus they have an equally as good act; Ashton Shepherd opening for them.

And today I have another reason to love that weekend that I'm going to the concert.

The day before the concert, Northern Stage (A theatrical company situated a few miles away from me) are having auditions for their "ensamble", which is a group of people ages 8 - 18 who learn all the basis of theater (i.e, acting, directing, lighting, sound effects, costume design, etc.). They have an opening for eight people. So I hope that I can audition, do well, and get in.

The only thing that would make that weekend better is if I learned that I never had to go to school again in my life. :D
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