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How good are my drawings?


New member
So of course, i like to draw. Mainly pokemon, but i haven't really shown them to anyone. I want some honest opinions, to see where i could improve, and what else i should change. So tell me...how good are my drawings?

Hold on till i get some drawings up.
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First pair of pokemon i drew just for this. Two water pokemon, not colored. i don't really like to color.
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How about doing it like this?

Or this:


You linked your deviantART account with an Image option. Rather than doing that, you link your account with the Insert URL option, or else that X happens. I reccomend clicking 'Download' and then getting the URL from there and THEN putting it in the Image option, unless it's too big, then you link it.

Anyway, I think they're quite nice, and I do like them. :D You did well in my opinion~
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