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Requests Open i draw stuff sometimes i think


어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까
that place with the silly procrastinating kid​

welp this is just a ploy to force myself to draw 'cause if I don't I'm disappointing people

But yeah, I draw Pokemon! Check out my (admittedly short) art thread in my signature for an example or two. (I also drew my avatar, so.) And if you're manipulative nice enough I might be suckered into drawing some other stuff, too. I'd like it if you didn't ask for those stupidly complex Pokemon (i.e. Hydreigon or Arceus) but I wouldn't say never, because experience and practice are good. I think.

Here's the form, I guess. Copy and paste does wonders.


[b]Pokemon[/b]: Obviously put the Pokemon species here.
[b]Gender[/b]: Only matters if there's sexual dimorphism, so. And, of course, the choices are M/F...
[b]Shiny[/b]: Shiny or not shiiiiiiny...
[b]Avatar[/b]: Do you need it sized as an avatar? Either 100x100 or 150x150px.
[b]Format[/b]: Specify what file extension it should be in. If this is left blank, I will just save it as a .png!
[b]Other[/b]: Put any extra notes here, such as if you want it to be a specific coloration, etc.

Other Stuff

I'm only accepting four requests at a time because I get bogged down a lot! I do get highly productive occasionally, mind. So we'll have to see. I might do animated things in the future! I don't know.

I don't care much about reposting of my work, as long as it's credited to Mewtini from TCoDf! And I won't go out and get you if you don't credit me, either, as long as it isn't claimed as your own or posted in a place where it's inherent that it's yours (i.e. deviantArt or oekakis or such).

So, um! Go go go. Requests will most often be prioritized per order of requests; occasionally a really challenging request will be put on the backburner.

Pending Requests:

  1. Hiikaru (Eevee, tumbling, ribbon)
  2. Qvalador [Mohac forever] (Shiny Meganium, Female, 150x150, transparent)
  3. ILS (Damn fancy Squirtle, 150x150)

Slots Open: One.
Last edited:
Received a request via #tcod on irc.

Pokemon: Eevee
Gender: Neither!
Shiny: No.
Avatar: Nope.
Format: .png
Other: It can wear a ribbon!!! Also it would be good if it's tumbling but it doesn't have to be tumbling if there's a pose you'd prefer to do.
Pokemon: Meganium
Gender: F
Shiny: Shiny
Avatar: 150x150
Format: .png
Other: Transparency please ♪
Pokemon: Squirtle
Shiny: Sans shininess
Avatar: 150x150
Format: I have no idea wooo.
Other: Give it a top hat, a monocle and a suit, if it's not too much trouble.
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