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I have a website now


It's feeding time
Oh cool

This is my official blog/review site, where I'll upload various texts and reviews I write. I finished the site just a while ago, so there's not much to see yet. But I will work on it.
I currently have one in the Blogs and Reviews part, but nothing else.

You don't have to post before you have content.

That would be a good argument if not for the fact that THERE IS ACTUALLY AT LEAST SOMETHING THERE. I dunno if you can't see it or something, my dad looked it up and he could see the one entry I had written so far perfectly fine.
The site wasn't made for anything else then to write about things that I want to write about. But I'm still working on it, I'll write some reviews and the likes over time.
my rule of thumb is ten pages of interesting content. this varies depending on length of articles, whether it's been discussed heavily historically, and other such factors.
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