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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

I need help.


I want to start writing, but I'm not good at it. I was wondering if someone could help me learn to write more goodly :). Please?
Just write, then ask people for feedback on what you wrote. There's no way to become good at writing without doing any writing--that would be like asking to become good at Baseball without ever having to pick up a bat.
'More goodly'?

Negrek is right though, you need to start writing. But maybe ask some questions to figure out what you want to write and how, and what you want to write about.

A great way to practice is through writing prompts. If you're in school ask your teacher, they most likely will jump at the idea of having a student interested in writing and they may offer you prompts and writing exercises.
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Phantom said:
ultraviolet is right though, you need to start writing.

I like it when my reputation and opinions precede me.
... brain died, sorry Negrek was right, someone please shoot me... I think I've lost my mind... Well ultraviolet, apparently I was right at least.... right?

Please shoot me. Er herm... editing that.....
This post is an excellent place to start, although I don't 100% agree with all of it. Mostly due to my personal writing style, though!
uuuhhmmm if you go to livejournal.com they have a different prompt every day or something (: I think they're good! (Not an avid writer or anything, though.) Or just google "prompts for writing" if you will.
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