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Industrial Music

Departure Song

$ $ hey hey
What are you favorite industrial acts? This includes all related scenes and genres, such as darkwave, EBM, Neue Deutsche Härte, coldwave, synthpop, ambient, IDM, etc.

Some of my favorites include (alphabetical order) Abney Park, Android Lust, Angelspit, Ayria, Chiasm, Collide, Genitorturers, Gothminister, Hanzel und Gretyl, Helalyn Flowers, I:Scintilla, Jesus on Extasy, Kidneythieves, KMFDM, L'Âme Immortelle, Mankind Is Obsolete, Snake River Conspiracy, and VNV Nation.

I'm actually going to see VNV Nation and Ayria tomorrow... it's going to be an awesome show for sure.
I know VNV are awesome, I love KMFDM as well. I enjoy myself some Rammstein and Pain if you count industrial metal. And the obvious Nine Inch Nails pick, who I am going to see tomorrow.
Rammstein and Laibach (just getting into them) is pretty much it from me.

Frank Klepacki's game soundtracks almost always have an industrial edge to them.
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Rammstein, Pain, KMFDM, VNV Nation, Hanzel und Gretyl, Cyanotic are great, I don't really listen to them much anymore though
Rammstein are heavily overrated. OOMPH! and Megaherz are much better.

Nine Inch Nails is probably the only industrial other than NDH I've heard actually, and I really like them.
If you include all the subgenres listed in the first post, then, Innerpartysystem, William Control, Rammestein, NIN, I've heard people argue for Pendulum, I don't think their industrial myself, maybe I'm wrong.
I only know of Rammstein because I have a friend who loves them. I like a few of their songs, but industrial isn't really one of my tastes I guess.
alas, of my music [aside from the obligitory couple of rammstein tracks] the closest thing I have would be Deathstars..
fear my lack of genre knowledge: apparently they're industrial metal. so I'll stick with that.
I do rather love them so I should probably have a poke round some other similar bands.. sometime.
-most certainly is not lazy-

but hey, anyone got any recommendations?
preferably something a bit quirky if possible :v
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