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Insert Vulgar Thread Title Here

BOOM! Headshot

Sentient Stationary
Hi all. My name's BOOM! Headshot. Or you can call me BOOM! Or just Boo, if you're in a hurry or typing a lot. I've been interested in Pokemon right from the start, and even played Red, as it was originally presented, on my Gameboy Colour.

No, I'm not nostalgic for the title; it was coded by monkeys, judging from the sheer amount of glitches, bugs and bad code in the finished product. I'm glad that it was tidied up for the Fire Red and Leaf Green versions, although I'm sure that programmers at Game Freak were all "What were we THINKING!?" when they were going through it all.

I currently have Pokemon X. I've beaten the Elite 4 several times for extra cash and have completed Looker's storyline. I'm at the stage where I'm footling around and breeding things to make a Better Pokemon(tm), despite not actually battling people, and growing oodles of berries Because I Can. I'm sure that I'll add my Friend Code to my forum signature at some point, so if you want to add me, give me a PM and we can Friend Safari and stuff from there.

H'okay. Checklist time.
Introduced self and stated preferred handle: Check.
Stated where I am in the games, and where I started from: Check.

Age and location...

I'm sure that most of you aren't stalkers, so I'll tell you that I'm over twenty and I live in the British Isles. I'm certain that'll help you find me on Facebook.

Hobbies and interests outside of Pokemon...

Yu-huh. I really do have a checklist for this thing.
So, I like writing Fantasy fiction, reading any damn thing I can get my hands on, and making sarcastic, self-deprecating remarks in my own Introduction posts. I also like playing old videogames on old sysems, in order to keep nostalgia at bay and remember things as they really were, and roleplay.
I've been known to indulge in perpetrate fanfiction, but I keep it specifically to roleplay in order to get it out of my system.

I'm not into smut, despite the title of the thread. Yes, I'm aware it looks like a placeholder. That's intentional.

Oh, and I also have a friendly and winning personality when I'm not writing introduction posts. :D
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