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Labyrinth of Doom


New member
A dim light shines through the entrance, showing outlines of a woman, rather old and unpleasant looking, in the shadows, reading by candlelight. As you enter, she looks up and says, “Oh, hello. Welcome to the Labyrinth of Doom.” Even in the darkness, you can see that her eyes are sightless, blind, which brings up the question of why she was reading, and what she’s doing in this cave. “My name is Martha, and I run this cave. We have stocked these caves with dark types aplenty, plus some cave dwellers, but the dark types all escaped into the unlit parts of the cave. You can go into the lit part, where there are cave dwellers, for $4, or you can go to the dark tunnels, and catch some dark types, for $3. However, in the dark tunnels, there is no light whatsoever, so you have less of a chance to capture the Pokémon you find. However, you can buy infrared goggles for $2 extra, which will let you see as if the tunnels were fully lit. The exits are few and far between, so if you see one, it would be a fairly good idea to not risk it, because there are Rockets afoot, and they’ll steal any Pokémon you’ve caught in the caves. If you feel you’ll have to get out immediately, you’ll need to buy an escape rope before going in, which will cost you an extra dollar. Here are some of the Pokémon I’ve seen in the dark tunnels…
Common: Murkrow, Sneasel, Houndour, Poochyena, Sableye, Carvanha
Uncommon: Houndoom, Mightyena, Nuzleaf, Sharpedo, Cacturne, Crawdaunt, Absol, Honchkrow, Skuntank, Drapion, Weavile
Rare: Umbreon, Shiftry, Spiritomb
Super Rare: Tyranitar
… As well as those in the lit tunnels…
Common: Geodude, Rhyhorn, Nosepass, Aron, Lunatone, Solrock, Slugma, Sandshrew, Diglet, Numel, Baltoy, Hippopotas, Jigglypuff, Dunsparse, Whismer, Zubat
Uncommon: Graveler, Onix, Rhydon, Magcargo, Larvitar, Lairon, Probopass, Sandslash, Dugtrio, Camerupt, Claydol, Gible, Hippowdon, Clefairy, Wigglytuff, Loudred, Golbat
Rare: Golem, Aggron, Gabite, Gliscor, Clefable, Exploud
Super Rare: Garchomp
So, where will you go?
Hold on. Before I jump to conclusions, can you tell me what you mean by caves? Both of the areas are caves, but they are lit and unlit, so please specify which.
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Ok, sorry. I just didn't want to misunderstand you.
You proceed into the dark depths of the caves, putting on your goggles as you go. Suddenly, something attacks you! As yoou turn to face it, you see that it is a mightyena, and it seems angry.
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