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Lie About the Above Poster

Re: Lie About the Above Poster V3

^ Is being forced to serve drinks and other refreshments for said aliens while dressed as a maid! And, no! Not a Neko Maid!
Re: Lie About the Above Poster V3

^didn't actually brave the marquee of doom, but hired talking dogs to do it
Re: Lie About the Above Poster V3

^Didn't actually make the "stuff that comes from me" but copy and pasted it from a forum none of us have heard of.
Re: Lie About the Above Poster V3

^is secretly an evil mandibuzz planning to take over the solar system and use her power to dominate the univers
Re: Lie About the Above Poster V3

^ Is using the highly complicated plan for world domination using pipes, cake and sugar I developed behind my back!
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