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Lie About the Above Poster

Re: Lie About the Above Poster V3

^ Confuses others to hide his immense intellect and plot for mankind's destruction
Re: Lie About the Above Poster V3

^ Keeps trying to plant thoughts of fur and kittens in Krazoa's mind!

(Granted, it's not that hard... In fact, I probably jus have...)
Re: Lie About the Above Poster V3

^ Tried to give me the power of glowy green to improve his Bard of Space image but failed and gave me a glowy purple fish instead.
Re: Lie About the Above Poster V3

^ Alchemized the magic wands of light out of anglerfish antennas and Michael Kenmore's disembodied brain.
Re: Lie About the Above Poster V3

^ Gave Krazoa the inspiration to make the Silver Wyvern card!

(Assuming you're talking about Yu-Gi-Oh!, though I don't know what made me come to that conclusion...)
Re: Lie About the Above Poster V3

^ Is a god of Asgard bent on ruling the world but was stopped by The Avengers
Re: Lie About the Above Poster V3

^ Did not jus have the nerve to put me and Marvel together in the same post!

(What's the name of that hack in your signature? I fancy playing it!)
Re: Lie About the Above Poster V3

^Came up with the idea for Douglas Fargo

(Not sure. I actually just found the pic online. :3)
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