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Link's Awakening DX Sequence Break - What the!?


Oh mah gawd what does it mean!?
So, yesterday I bought and downloaded the GBC game LoZ: LADX from the 3DS eShop. It's the first time I've played LADX, but I have played Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of time. I'm currently writing this in the 3DS browser while running LADX in the background, actually!

This is just after I'm done with the slime dungeon, so I've just gotten the pegasus boots, but I haven't gotten the bow yet. On the way to Animal Village, I decide to make a brief little detour to explore! I go to the place with Armos blocking the way (the living statues), and after a while of thinking, I come up with the idea to push them out of the way with the shield. I manage to do this without waking them! Then I get into some kind of temple, where I pick up some arrows under pots (and I fear I should have gotten the bow).

This is where it all gets really weird. I go into the next room, where I find a giant Armos! I try to hurt it with my sword, but to no avail. After a lot of thinking (and dying, I mostly use trial and error), I decide to run at it with my sword and pegasus boots. This actually hurts it, despite the fact that it's only supposed to be hurt by arrows! After doing this for a while, I die twice. Then I manage to trigger some strange bug where Link runs on the spot with his sword out, and the boss dies after getting hit repeatedly by this glitch. I get the Face Key, and proceed to see a strange story element about Koholint Island being an illusion and Link just dreaming it all. All this before even going into the desert and getting the Angler Key.

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It's actually very easy to break the sequence in several places in this game, you're supposed to move the Armos statues with your shield if you don't want to fight them (though I prefer killing them with the bow for the arrow drops and fun), and the giant Armos is supposed to be vulnerable to the sword even though it isn't the optimal weapon. The magic rod also works, for example, if you break the sequence even further and use a certain glitch to get it early, though I'm not sure if that glitch exists in this new version. The only truly unusual thing in your story sounds like the running in place bug, which I believe is the "Cardiovascular Exercise" glitch found in this guide, or something similar. Interesting to see that they didn't fix it. (And interesting to see that they rereleased it... didn't realize they were planning to do that. Hm.)
First off, I noticed the spoiler tag was failed, but I couldn't edit it from my 3DS browser.

Second off, I tried hurting the giant Armos with my sword, but it didn't work. Must've hit the shield...

Are you sure the Armos are supposed to be pushable without waking them up? To me it seems like a glitch. Also, they didn't re-release the game as such, the eShop has a section for "Virtual Console", which I guess is just the 3DS running an emulator and emulating the original, unmodified ROMs, like the Wii does with its VC.
I didn't mean "re-release" as in remade—I meant they released the same thing again so as to make it available to newer audiences.

Granted, it's been a while since I've played, and as I said I usually just stick with the arrows anyway, but I'm fairly sure that both of those are true. The other guides I checked in claimed that they were. I'm more sure about the shield pushing than I am about the sword, though.
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