• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

'lo, all


New member
hi, my name's Aviculor but you can call me Avic. i'm a fakemon designer of sorts and i hope i can manage to fit in here.
good to be here, MM. as you can see, i registered back in June, but i didn't notice the forums were down. so, i waited until just now.
i guess so. the name reminds me of someone, but that guy themed himself with a different pokemon. it would explain why he doesn't like me, though.
I see.

The whole, "What are you doing here?" thing seems kind of rude, sounding like you own the forum and it's an absolute violation that Avic is here.
*will not get into the 'DR is rude' thing*

Hello, and Welcome to tCoD! Castform should come to sing the Welcoming song soon. I'm MewXCharmeleonXEevee, but you can call me MxCxE or MCE. Or Lili. You pick.

Hello! I am Mia, the little voice inside MewXCharmeleonXEevee's head/ her former avvie.

I hope you enjoy the CoD, Avic!
no, i just wanted to know who i was talking to, since you didn't say the first three times. before you get yourself in too deep, i have to point out that you're the one starting shit.

and now, Blastoise428, i can address you. no, we're not rivals, he's just harping on a little member-moderator problem that happened on a different forum.
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Ah, swearing. You're real mature, aren't you? Your vocabulary is amazingly vast!

Member-Moderator? What are you taking about? I just pointed out something on the Shuckle evo that I didn't like and you bashed me about it. Not everyone it going to like every one of your sprites. I actually like almost all of your sprites, as you will clearly see if you read my posts in the thread. I just didn't like one of them and you responded with

"well, i just thought that it would be a fun little easter egg and not have it turn into some big thing because someone couldn't just go along with it. and i guess i also thought that it's my design and that i could do something and have it appear to be intentional. crazy, i know.

if something's not broken, then it probably doesn't need fixing."
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