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Lots of Moral Support Needed


Among the few morons with straight A's.
Today I have submitted two stories to a HUGE national writing competition hosted by Scholastic, and we're still recovering from the pre-submission stress that comes whenever I enter contests. It's pretty big, and could start my future as an author, but now I have a bigger goal:

The same contest has a novel category, where you send in the first three to five chapters of it. From what I understand, the manuscript can be no longer than 50 pages, while the excerpt sent must be at least 15, and if I win, it will be published.

Naturally I do not expect to win, though it would be nice (and I'm still having fantasies about it), but now I really need to get started on it. The idea is that when finished, even if it loses (or isn't finished on time), I will have something totally fictional to publish.

The working title is called "Make a Wish", and what I need from you guys is the pressure to keep writing it. I'm not giving away the plot, as I fear it will be stolen, but I figure if enough people pressure me, I'll be able to finish it, even if it's just to stop you guys from annoying me (which I hope will not be the reason in the end). I've been writing for years, and Make a Wish seems to be the perfect debut novel in my opinion.

As I said, I'm not giving away the plot, but I hope you guys understand what this could mean to me. If it does get finished, and published, then believe me, there'll be a thank you to everyone at TCOD in it. I'd never be able to repay you guys enough, but that's only if it gets finished. I don't care how you pressure me, whether you use PMs, leave messages in my account, or even somehow track me down to other sites, I really need your support.
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