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Little Scriven Luminious Square

Bellatrix allowed the barista to get lost in her own tangents, only occasionally getting a word in to keep her going, her attention now shifting to the marowak. She sat down and folded her paws neatly on her lap. "I'm sure you will," she answered. A half-truth. While the correct answer would be a simple 'I don't know', she had to admit, that most of the Wayfarer's dealings thus far hardly threatened the townsmon outside of Blaguarro. Scriven especially seemed divorced from these events.

"Does the presence of offworlders worry or comfort you?" she asked from behind the rim of her cup moments before she took another sip of her tea.
The Marowak let out a low hum at Bellatrix's answer. His bone sat to his side as he leaned over to give it a few taps. "Yes," he simply said as he lifted up his weapon and inspected it. "Like a bad weather report." He left at that, as though it were self-explanatory.

As though having processed his own words, he paused, clutched the bone harder, and spoke up again after a few more seconds of silence. "But with a good meteor shower." With a satisfied nod, he placed the bone back his side and took another sip of the tea. Some of it splashed onto and stained his bony mask, but didn't pay it much mind.

"And you?" The man of few words seemed to want to ask about Bellatrix's own take on the future.
It looked like there were already three others that had signed up. One of the contestants was signed "Mr. Spooks".
Was this worth trying? It seemed pretty involved, and Isidora couldn't really call herself an actor.

Really now? Performance and combat are not so dissimilar. Both are a matter of movement and confidence. The only difference is in frame of mind. Though I suppose being a bad liar changes the variables somewhat too.

To hell with it, I could probably pull this off. This'll be the one thing I do, then I'm checking out Frosty's.

After a bit of thought, Isidora signed herself up under the name "Tempest." Hopefully I don't regret this. Though she had to wonder: who was Mr. Spooks?
From the vantage point of the Café, Bellatrix would have full sight on the amphitheater as things went underway.

It took a few minutes as a couple of last minute contestants hastily wrote their own names on the board until one of the coordinators, a Quagsire, unhinged his gigantic mouth as he made his announcement.

"That's all for sign-ups for now! The contestants' names have been placed into a hat, and they'll be paired up for the first round shortly! Sit tight, and the show will begin soon!"

The other coordinator, a Masquerain, ushered the contestants backstage. "Alright, you have a a few minutes to get acquainted with one another. On my cue, you'll move to the stage and wait until the spotlight is shone on your pair before trying to continue the story," she said as she looked at the six of them. "My husband and I will be giving each of you a rating in secret each round, but the crowd's a good barometer."

She chuckled to herself. "While there's no eliminations, anyone that wants to rescind their entry can do so between rounds. Any questions? If not, we can move onto drawing pairs!"

The imposing Staraptor wearing an oversized hat that covered their bang shuffled in place, but said nothing. The masked Mandibuzz next to him gave him a loving nudge on with her head. Meanwhile, an antsy Vibrava with a striped luminescient scarf kept craning his neck past the Masquerain, as though trying to get a look at the other judge.

Finally, there was the fully robed and masked ghost that passed an occasional glance to Isidora, but didn't seem to say anything, and next to him was an Altaria that was trying and failing to keep her fluffy clouds inside her cloak. Her face was entirely covered in glow-in-the-dark paint, and her muttered chirping was a sound the Masquerain was trying and failing to ignore.
Bellatrix leaned back and hummed at the marowak. "Who's to say?" she asked. "I'm not one to sit around and wait." She sat up slightly at the sounds of the announcement, mildly interested in the spectacle below, waiting to see what would happen next.
The Marowak quirked a brow. "Isn't that... what you're doing?" He asked, gesturing to the tea with a nod. The light mischief in his eyes shimmered as it became apparent he was only teasing.

"It is an honor. Swing by if y'all need good steel." He set down his tea on a table, and twirled his bone in place slamming it into the floor. The twang that followed revealed that it had been a painted metal prop the entire time.

"Remember that you pay for the repairs!" shouted the Oricorio barista, who let out a huff. Evidently, this was a common occurrence. "In any case, hope you enjoy the show, miss Bellatrix! I've got a flyer here, if you want to know a bit more about it! And hey, why not get another brew while you're at it? Or maybe indulge a gal with a tale from your homeland?"

One had to wonder if stories were the real currency in town.
The imposing Staraptor wearing an oversized hat that covered their bang shuffled in place, but said nothing. The masked Mandibuzz next to him gave him a loving nudge on with her head. Meanwhile, an antsy Vibrava with a striped luminescient scarf kept craning his neck past the Masquerain, as though trying to get a look at the other judge.

Finally, there was the fully robed and masked ghost that passed an occasional glance to Isidora, but didn't seem to say anything, and next to him was an Altaria that was trying and failing to keep her fluffy clouds inside her cloak. Her face was entirely covered in glow-in-the-dark paint, and her muttered chirping was a sound the Masquerain was trying and failing to ignore.
Seeing the other contestants, Isidora's worries shifted to how she was supposed to work with them. Just regular festival-goers. Have any of them ever even practiced a move before? Everyone seemed to have come in pairs too. Except for that vibrava, she guessed.

Bird couple are likely just civilians here for fun. Altaria seems strangely restless, while Vibrava doesn't seem very confident. And that ghost keeps looking at... wait a second.

She moved a little closer to him and whispered, "By any chance you know a misdreavus?"
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"Can't say I do," the ghost replied in a whisper of his own. He adjusted his oversized hat as he turned to face Isidora with a signature grin. "But I do know a spooky Mismagius 'round these parts!"

The Masquerain cleared her throat. She held out a top hat containing the six shuffled names written down on cut paper clippings.
W-when did he-?! "I-I see," she whispered back. With that realization came the second realization that Isidora was the least-evolved pokémon here. Hell, she probably looked like some random child in this costume, now that she thought about it.

She watched the top hat of names with apprehension. "Wish I knew a weavile..."
"It is an honor. Swing by if y'all need good steel." He set down his tea on a table, and twirled his bone in place slamming it into the floor. The twang that followed revealed that it had been a painted metal prop the entire time.

"Remember that you pay for the repairs!" shouted the Oricorio barista, who let out a huff. Evidently, this was a common occurrence. "In any case, hope you enjoy the show, miss Bellatrix! I've got a flyer here, if you want to know a bit more about it! And hey, why not get another brew while you're at it? Or maybe indulge a gal with a tale from your homeland?"

Bellatrix couldn't help but let out a small, amused sigh at the marowak. "Perhaps. How proficient of a blacksmith are you?" She immediately asked at his offer. "As you may have a request for your services quite soon.

"I wouldn't mind the extra brew," she then said to the oricorio, still watching the amphitheater. "The flyer won't be necessary, I should be able to understand what is happening while watching. But very well, if you so desire to pass the time, I noticed the festival's celestial theming. It reminds me of a festival that occurred not too long ago back on my world. A celebration dedicated to the Moon and the Stars—" she told the tale of how the two celestial beings came into worship and their battle against the Sun who had threatened the lands so very long ago. Her explanation was very matter-of-fact, she was never a good storyteller but she expected the oricorio to fill in the details herself.
W-when did he-?! "I-I see," she whispered back. With that realization came the second realization that Isidora was the least-evolved pokémon here. Hell, she probably looked like some random child in this costume, now that she thought about it.

She watched the top hat of names with apprehension. "Wish I knew a weavile..."
"Well, they say festivals are a time of explosive joy and discovery," Ghaspius replied with a knowing smile beneath that mask and hat. "Maybe with a spark of inspiration and showcase of strength, y'all will get to personally know a Weavile very soon!"

He quickly grabbed a name, inspected it, realized it was his own, and whispered to the Masquerain who quickly shoved it back into the hat and shook it around. The Mismagius plucked another one, smiled, and nodded to his comrade.

"Well, looks like we'll be workin' together then, Tempest," he said, nodding his head as though to tip his hat. "I'm Mr. Spooks, pleasure to 'meet you'. What sorts of tricks do you got underneath that cloak of yours?"

Bellatrix couldn't help but let out a small, amused sigh at the marowak. "Perhaps. How proficient of a blacksmith are you?" She immediately asked at his offer. "As you may have a request for your services quite soon."
The Marowak shook his head, not wanting to upsell himself too much. "I can... demonstrate, sometime later," he said with a nod of acknowledgment. "The results can speak. If you find them worthy."

"Gray's the best in town," the Oricorio chimed in, "Folks around here call him the Earl of Steel, but personally, I think Heart of Gold's a bit more fitting. When he's not messing up my place." Of course, when it came to rumors of Little Scriven, they were always exaggerated, but that last one seemed just a touch too personal.

Gray was glad his blush wasn't visible beneath his mask as he scratched his cheek.
"I wouldn't mind the extra brew," she then said to the oricorio, still watching the amphitheater. "The flyer won't be necessary, I should be able to understand what is happening while watching. But very well, if you so desire to pass the time, I noticed the festival's celestial theming. It reminds me of a festival that occurred not too long ago back on my world. A celebration dedicated to the Moon and the Stars—" she told the tale of how the two celestial beings came into worship and their battle against the Sun who had threatened the lands so very long ago. Her explanation was very matter-of-fact, she was never a good storyteller but she expected the oricorio to fill in the details herself.
The Oricorio let out a shudder as the cautionary tale of the Sun send shivers down her feathers. "A pretty story, if a bit grim!" She noted, seemingly fixated on the ending instead of on the celebration of the Moon and Stars. "But pretty dang unique, if I do say so myself! Better not let Amelia hear it — she might just yoink it and publish it herself!"

Gray let out a chuckle as the two seemingly passed an inside joke between one another.

"Well, I really, really hope this festival then can honor your gods as much as it honors you guys, then," she remarked as she flared out one of her wings in a crescent. "Wouldn't that be something? Offworlders blessed by their gods to match the saints..." She let out another sigh as she mentally fluttered away into another fantasy.

"Did they have names?" Gray asked as a follow-up, "Other than Moon and Stars?"
"Well, they say festivals are a time of explosive joy and discovery," Ghaspius replied with a knowing smile beneath that mask and hat. "Maybe with a spark of inspiration and showcase of strength, y'all will get to personally know a Weavile very soon!"
If only it were that simple... Where was she supposed to get her paws on a Razor Claw?

"Well, looks like we'll be workin' together then, Tempest," he said, nodding his head as though to tip his hat. "I'm Mr. Spooks, pleasure to 'meet you'. What sorts of tricks do you got underneath that cloak of yours?"
"Oh, um." Shoot. She hadn't expected that. Isidora couldn't lie, there was something extremely odd-feeling about working with a mismagius, considering the only other one she had ever even known of before was... One of my superiors. But she couldn't detect even the slightest hint of disingenuity from Ghaspius. Or if there was one, it clearly hadn't shown yet.

Really though, she just wanted to trust him.

"Well, to start with I'd say I'm the most nimble 'mon here, and I have a few moves to show that off with. Though this costume might get in the way." She traced a claw down a sleeve. "Otherwise... I can try pullin' some tricks with one of my ice attacks, I guess. And I'm called 'Tempest' because I have a couple wind moves I was thinkin' of trying too. Like Whirlwind."

Isidora felt self-conscious under her mask. Now that she was faced with it, everything felt so uncertain. "So, what do you got?"
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"Ooh, I'm not the most nimble myself, but I do know how to lend a Helping Hand!" Ghaspius grinned as his swayed from side-to-side in delight. "Most of my moves are about spookin' all ghost-like, but I've got a few tricks up my sleeve! No treats, sadly!"

A tassel rose from his robes. "Whether that's addin' a Mystical Fire to your wind, makin' it rain with a bit of Life Dew, or maybe dazzlin' with a Power Gem inside your icy stuff." He strummed the gems on his hat, which then glowed with a low hum. "Course, there's always the sneaky stuff in the shadows, too, if we wanna do a thing with that."

The hesitation beneath Isidora's mask wasn't completely lost on the usually scatterbrained ghost. He leaned in and whispered, "And just between you and me, I never actually found a Dusk Stone." He let the implication hang in the hair before giggling to himself.

"Contestants, please make your way to the stage!" A certain Quagsire announced. He started his narration as the other two pairs started making their way to the front. "Our story begins as many do, with a pair of intrepid rangers stumbling upon a dungeon unlike any other..."

"Guess that's our cue," Ghaspius nodded, "Any last tips ya got before we mosey on over?"
Huh? How'd he manage to evolve, then? Maybe she could ask about it later...

As for tips: "To be frank, you seem to be a lot more in your element here than I am," Isidora admitted, some of her nervousness unwittingly revealed in her tone. A thought did occur to her, though.

'Technically, there's nothing stopping us from coordinating over Betel's communication network. But I'm not sure if I'd feel right about that.' She said that, but the more she thought, the more combo ideas seemed to escape her. 'I'll just, follow your lead. I can adapt quickly.'

But she didn't know how to perform; could she? Yes, she forced herself to think.This is about training. This is about confidence. You know what it feels like to be confident. Hesitate, and you lose.

Isidora hoped she was prepared...
"Well, I did help give 'em the idea," Ghaspius admitted with a knowing smirk, "But the story itself is pretty new to me!"

As the pair walked on stage alongside the others, the Quagsire continued his narration. "...When they first entered, the pair of explorers couldn't help but wonder if it really was a dungeon. After all, all around them simply was..."

The spotlight shined on the Vibrava and Staraptor pair. The Staraptor cleared his throat and shuffled in place as he ruffled his feathers, clearly uncertain as to what to do.

Vibrava let out a scoff as he began to fly in circles, driving up a Sandstorm. He would occasionally bob his head towards Staraptor urging him to do something — anything — but his partner just stood in the midst of the sand darting his eyes every which way.

With panic setting in, Staraptor flapped as quickly and as strong as he could, sending a Wing Attack right at Vibrava .

The spotlight quickly shut off before the audience could see the impact, but those on stage could hear Vibrava's groan in pain.

"...Sand, everywhere! Kicked up by an awful wind getting into every crevice and cloth on them! Unfortunate, but not dangerous, at least!" Quagsire declared. "At least, that's what the two of them had thought. As they traversed through the sand, they soon stumbled upon something they simply couldn't ignore..."

The spotlight shined onto Isidora and Ghaspius. Deciding to take the lead for the first round, Ghaspius twirled into the air as he conjured a small, yet eerie flame in the air. He waited for his partner to follow up on his Mystical Fire.
The Oricorio let out a shudder as the cautionary tale of the Sun send shivers down her feathers. "A pretty story, if a bit grim!" She noted, seemingly fixated on the ending instead of on the celebration of the Moon and Stars. "But pretty dang unique, if I do say so myself! Better not let Amelia hear it — she might just yoink it and publish it herself!"

Gray let out a chuckle as the two seemingly passed an inside joke between one another.

"Well, I really, really hope this festival then can honor your gods as much as it honors you guys, then," she remarked as she flared out one of her wings in a crescent. "Wouldn't that be something? Offworlders blessed by their gods to match the saints..." She let out another sigh as she mentally fluttered away into another fantasy.

"Did they have names?" Gray asked as a follow-up, "Other than Moon and Stars?"

Bellatrix simply nodded along. "Well it's certainly fiction here in Forlas," she replied. "Do what you will with it." Towards Gray, she leaned back thoughtfully. "Most accounts simply refer to them as the Moon and the Stars but there are some old accounts that name the Stars Oriana although the Moon and the Sun remain nameless even there. I cannot say I know why. Perhaps their names do exist out there, buried even deeper in history but for now they remain hidden."
Upon first stepping onto the stage, Isidora could feel the eyes of the audience bore into her. Her anxiety began to reach its peak. You are so out of your league. You could never-

Then the first pair failed in embarrassingly spectacular fashion, and distracted her from her worries. Just don't be them.
The spotlight shined onto Isidora and Ghaspius. Deciding to take the lead for the first round, Ghaspius twirled into the air as he conjured a small, yet eerie flame in the air. He waited for his partner to follow up on his Mystical Fire.
The disguised sneasel jolted at the sudden light on her. Then it was time follow up. Her heart quickened, and the world felt as if it slowed as her focus narrowed on that flame. On doing this right. What did Ghaspius say he could do with Mystical Fire? Combine with wind?

Whirlwind? Too strong it'd put it- Icy Wind? But my mask is-

After her slight hesitation spent figuring things out, Isidora lifted her absol mask just enough to blow a carefully controlled stream of cool, icy air towards the flame. Not strong enough to blow it out, but enough to move it, perhaps? A ghostly flame and a cold gale... It made sense to her, at least.
i"Most accounts simply refer to them as the Moon and the Stars but there are some old accounts that name the Stars Oriana although the Moon and the Sun remain nameless even there. I cannot say I know why. Perhaps their names do exist out there, buried even deeper in history but for now they remain hidden."
Gray let out an intrigued, if noncommittal hum at that. "They should... name them. Less confusing that way," he said, shaking his head as though it were so simple. "Do you follow them? Oriana and Moon?"

His moment of gravitas was quickly cut by a snicker at the Vibrava's fall. "Karma," he declared it to be, "If you believe in that."

After her slight hesitation spent figuring things out, Isidora lifted her absol mask just enough to blow a carefully controlled stream of cool, icy air towards the flame. Not strong enough to blow it out, but enough to move it, perhaps? A ghostly flame and a cold gale... It made sense to her, at least.
Ghaspius peered down, raising a tassel in hopes of offering the anxious Sneasel a pat, but ultimately lowered it as he decided against it. They were the wandering strangers Mr. Spooks and Tempest, after all.

He floated closer to the flame as the plasma achieved almost a bit of fluidity. With a grin, he dragged the flame to move along with the wind, shaping it into the image of a wisp. Then, he quickly dragged it down, allowing to roar into a burst before burning out entirely in a whisper.

"The spirit of the dungeon — a raging inferno of a spirit — had awakened!" Quagsire announced as the spotlight flicked away. A small crowd appeared to gather as murmurs of intrigue and light clapping followed. Not quite a showstopper, but a good start.

"And with it, the dungeon had issued the pair a challenge: if they could prove the strength of their hearts, they could pass! They boldly agreed, and to demonstrated by..." The spotlight shined down upon the last pair.

Definitely-not-Mayor Enubel and the Mandibuzz looked at one another, nodded in sync, and proceeded to fire off a Dragon Pulse and Hyper Beam respectively straight into the sky! Holding their beaks open, the two began to circle one another as the beams soon formed into a spiral, until finally, they converged in a blue and yellow explosion above!

"And with their mighty moves and showcase of friendship, the dungeon's spirit was quelled, and the two rangers managed to keep the citizens safe for another day!"

The crowd roared in cheers and applause.

"That's all for Round 1, folks! Stay seated while we prepare for the next one!"

The Masquerain ushered the contestants backstage as she cleared her throat. "Right, anyone who wishes to drop out may do so now. We haven't gotten any late sign-ups, so anyone not in a pair may end up in a trio."

Though the Staraptor had an embarassed blush, he remained, but the fuming Vibrava made his exit.

Ghaspius looked to Isidora, silently asking how she felt.
The third pair's explosive combination left Isidora with equal parts awe and dread. I...

She returned backstage while that dread grew, twisted, and waged war behind her mask. Why did she think she'd be good at this? Why did she ever think she was good at anything else? She probably looked like a fool out there. But she couldn't give up so early. That'd look even worse. Suddenly, she didn't feel so good.

"Maybe I should drop out," she blurted, then winced as her anxiety spiked at the admission. She held a claw over her beating chest. "Or, no- forget I said that. This is just out of my expertise. I hardly know what I'm doin' out there."
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Gray let out an intrigued, if noncommittal hum at that. "They should... name them. Less confusing that way," he said, shaking his head as though it were so simple. "Do you follow them? Oriana and Moon?"

His moment of gravitas was quickly cut by a snicker at the Vibrava's fall. "Karma," he declared it to be, "If you believe in that."

"Who knows? I may be the one to do so upon my return," Bellatrix replied. Just as she was about to answer his question about her beliefs, the show cut through any answer she might have given. Her head tilted at the vibrava, curious at Gray's snicker she asked, "Karma for what? Does he have a reputation?"
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