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Little Scriven Lumirror Forest

I would be surprised if all this were not enough to satisfy the spirit of the rift...

I am not sure what more I could say about myself, in any case. Certainly not that I can clearly remember my creators, if they were such.

Let us see if the heart will be amenable to anchoring...
Yup, super glad he didn’t grab this sapling, just watching it twist and tug in Ghaspius’s grasp. It wasn’t so lively as the Silver Ravine sapling had been; the Misdreavus even had to plant it rather than it just latching itself to the soil as soon as it was close enough to it. But, with that, the actual hard part of their trip out to Little Scriven was complete, and, so far as Archie was concerned, they’d done extremely well! But, there was still the matter of their secrets.

“Well, I figure they’re not my secrets to reveal,” he shrugged, “It’s not like any of you are hiding anything that could get people hurt. So, you don’t have to worry about me saying anything. As for mine… I don’t even really know why I’m still keeping it secret to begin with, anymore.”
"If you're here now, you belong here," Ghaspius reassured the others with a firm nod. "Ya didn't break in like a certain other group, after all. And whatever secrets y'all have, I'll keep my lips sealed 'bout. They're yours to share."

He smiled. "Sides, I don't think-"

“It’s not like any of you are hiding anything that could get people hurt.”
His voice hitched at Archie's remark. His eyes darted away as he decided to instead focus on the planted sapling. Perhaps he thought himself otherwise.

Though the sapling wiggled a bit at first, it appeared to be more out of the dungeon's own curious energy than actual resistance. After a few moments, it shimmered with a prismatic glow as roots burst out below. The branch stood straight up, and the rainbow glow soon faded into a softer white. The bark settled into a glass-like state as it became a mirror - a true mirror, rather than a window - and a light hum hung in the air.

While the atmosphere felt a little thicker, it wasn't suffocating. The giggle from earlier echoed from the entrance, but the dungeon itself made no hostile action. One final paper crane emerged, though it fell onto the ground with a thud the moment it got too far from the dungeon proper.

'Share your stories with the town. We'll be eagerly listening~'

"....Guess that makes at least two folk that want that?" Ghaspius remarked with an awkward grin.

Everyone! It appears I have established a second anchor point. It is holding stable...

...please wait a moment...





Nothing moved, not physically. Yet, the Wayfarers stood near the mouth of Lumirror Forest would experience a kind of vertigo as space and time rearranged themselves. There was the unaccountable sensation of the atmosphere itself changing, as air from one part of the world blended with air elsewhere, and the scents of riverbank silt and more humid air melded with that of Little Scriven's plateau...

If the offworlders glanced to their side, they would see what they might suspect to be an optical illusion. The layout of the forest's entrance had not changed, yet if they looked in just the right way...

...the shallows of the Silver Ravine rift were just there, close enough to touch.

I hope this will prove to be another helpful asset, heroic spirits.

Any mystery dungeon anchorpoint to which I am connected can now be used to travel to any other such anchorpoint. In other words, you can move between such locations in hardly any time at all!

Fast Travel is now available.
Silver Ravine has been connected to the Fast Travel network.
Lumirror Forest has been connected to the Fast Travel network.
Valid rifts for connection to the network:
  • Bedaurejo Castle
  • Hoodoo Tangle
  • Grand Quarry
  • Miners' Folly
  • Quartz Forest
  • Pueblo Hideout – AKA Ranger HQ
  • Puzzle Gorge
  • Boundless Plains
  • Brandsand Crevice
  • Templefall Caverns
  • Blackwater Depths
  • Sunroost Mesa
“Huh, that is useful. Maybe we should wire some more in.” As long as we’re sure they’re stable…

He shot a look back at the dungeon as he prepared to leave. “And you. I can find something to share with the town, but in the context of what you just pulled… Listen, I’m willing to say you didn’t know what you were asking for at the time. But now? Read the fucking room.”
Another paper crane fumbled its way from the entrance.

'But we are the room.'

Ghaspius whapped the crane back into the dungeon. It flew back, a bit crumbled.


He stuck his tongue out. The paper flipped over.

'We share nothing, only listen and enjoy. You share what wish to others. We have already bare our hearts to each other. There is nothing more you're obliged.'

Ghaspius shook his head but spun to face the others. "Well, I dunno about y'all, but I'm gonna see if I can help the mayor out with her festival. Tell the others to lend a paw too, if they have the time!"

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