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Frontier Town Main Street

"A world without the other..." she repeated to herself, and then Silver could have sworn he saw a literal spark in her eyes when she clapped her paws together. "Wow, that sounds super interesting!" exclaimed Grace, getting an odd look and an amused snort from nearby customers.

And then the questions came.

"Do you guys have moves and abilities? Do you fight Pokémon and hughmans like we fight each other? Oh-- outside of those conflicts you mentioned! And-- and do you guys walk on four legs or two? Oh-- and what does your kind even look like?!"
Silver blinked, flabbergasted by the amount of questions. Someone was really curious. “Huh, well, there’re some recorded cases of humans using moves, like telekinesis and aura blasts, but they’re more the exception than the rule. Most humans don’t use moves or abilities,” he explained.

“As for fights, well…” The memory of his twelve-year-old self punching Hibiki on the face resurfaced into his mind, making him snicker in amusement. He waved his paw to dismiss it. “I mean, yeah, I guess we can fight, but that’s not really something encouraged.”

However, his mind soon stalled. How could he describe a human to someone who never saw a human? But then, an idea popped into his mind, and he grinned in delight. “…Hey. Y’know what? Instead of telling you how a human looks like, how ‘bout I’ll show you, instead?”

Silver held the Oran in his jaws and bit it, letting some berry juice drip on his tongue. Feeling energized, he brought his claws together and gathered the energy of the berry into them. A warm white light took shape between them, and poof! A familiar red-haired plush appeared in his grasp.

Silver used Substitute! The Silver Doll is drawing attention to itself!

Silver grabbed the chewed Oran in one paw and held out the Substitute with the other, showing its features to Grace. “So! Here’s how a human looks like. Bipedal, with five fingers in each hand and hair on the head, and often wearing heavy clothing. The head isn’t nearly this big, though.”

Many curious ‘mons stared at the Substitute, making Silver look back at them with an embarrassed expression. If he wanted to stay low, that definitely wasn’t the best way to do so!
While the warning of 'You're attracting too much attention!' rang in her mind, the substitute display had certainly grabbed hers! Cautiously, she moved closer in the air, tentatively reaching out a paw to touch the doll. While it felt like a plushie, Grace had a feeling that this was not how hughmans felt to the touch.

If she had to compare the look of a hughmon to something... Mr.Mime came to mind. They had that similar body shape, but what she found the most interesting was their hands. Five fingers seemed a little odd, but... she guessed that they each had a use. Her paw clasped over one of Substitute Silver's hands, seemingly very interested in the difference between the little, long fingers and her paw.

"Huh..." she said softly, some of her curiousity dimming a little. "So no paws, tails, or wings? So Pokémon can do a lot of things you normally can't... That really helps when Hughmans and Pokémon live together peacefully, huh?"
“I mean! If you describe the synergy between humans and Pokémon with those terms, it kinda sounds like ‘mons get the worse end of the deal,” muttered Silver, somewhat stung by the vague implication that as a human he wasn’t really that special. It’s not like that’s entirely false, anyway…

Brushing his stray thoughts aside, he stored his Oran and stared at his own Substitute, letting Grace do whatever she wanted with it.

“Don’t wanna toot humanity’s horn too loud because I’m obviously biased, but there is one thing ‘bout humans that makes ‘em a versatile species despite lacking obvious powers.” He tapped his forehead with his free paw. “And that is… ingenuity. If a group of humans wishes to reach some aim through various tools or means, they can be extremely resourceful. Persistency and willpower are also common traits in our species — no matter the goal, we can move earth and heavens to reach it, if we really want to.”

He smirked and shook his tail, feeling uplifted as his rising insecurities receded. “Besides, we can be aces when it comes to technology. Like… Trains that run faster than an Extreme Speed. Small metallic boxes to talk with others across the globe. Pouring the knowledge of countless of books and texts in a square as big as your paw.” A beat, followed by a slight frown. “Portals that connect multiple worlds…”
Grace had been awe-struck and attentive while listening to his further descriptions of humans. "Woah..." he heard her whisper, and then she gave a final pat to the substitute. She must have started to feel embarrassed by her curiosity, because she wanted to look anywhere else for a moment.

“Portals that connect multiple worlds…”

Grace frowned at that as well. "You'd think that being able to travel worlds would be a good thing..." she said quietly. "You could make many new friends! Instead we're... saving one world from others."
Silver sighed. “Yeah, or folks from multiple worlds could, like, help each other. Share knowledge and resources and maybe grow stronger together.” He smiled neutrally. “Kinda… like what we’re actually doing, y’know? Multiple humans and ‘mons from multiple worlds working together for the same cause…” A soft chuckle slipped through his lips. “Sounds like a cool tagline, doesn’t it?”

The now-Sneasel looked down at the hand of the Substitute, then at his free paw, his mind lost in thought. Then, with a quick tap, the doll vanished, sparkles glittering around his claws, but he kept staring at them.

“Still, about this whole save-the-world biz… I’ve gotta say that turning into a Pokémon was… quite the experience.” He wiggled his claws. “Like, as I’ve told you, most humans don’t really use moves or abilities, so being able to use them so suddenly was a big mental and physical leap!” He glanced at Grace. “And then, we’ve got the entire deal with Shadows and Radiance…”
"Heh, yeah, that must be suuuper different, huh?" she asked with a light smirk. "But for a hughmon, you're doing pretty good! I'd say you're quite strong already."

Then she stared at her paw and focused. She took a deep breath, and her eyes gained a soft glow as a familiar, watery orb formed in that same paw as she stared at it with concern.

"Yeah... this stuff is new to me, too," she said softly, then shook her head and quickly dispelled it. "That had been the first time I'd used either power, and at first I was resolved to not use it during the raid because I hadn't trained with it yet, but... I  had to do something. I don't even know how to wield Shadows yet..."
"Heh, yeah, that must be suuuper different, huh?" she asked with a light smirk. "But for a hughmon, you're doing pretty good! I'd say you're quite strong already."

The first thought that popped into Silver’s mind was a cheeky, ‘Well, duh, of course! I never settle for anything less than the best!’, but he opted to reply with a far more amiable, “…Thanks. I appreciate that. It’s been a lot of constant work, so… I’m glad I’ve made plenty of progress.”

Unconsciously, he began wagging his tail and let out a throaty dook, his eyes and gems sparkling under the sunlight. Nothing made his heart swell more than a well-meaning compliment.

"Yeah... this stuff is new to me, too," she said softly, then shook her head and quickly dispelled it. "That had been the first time I'd used either power, and at first I was resolved to not use it during the raid because I hadn't trained with it yet, but... I  had to do something. I don't even know how to wield Shadows yet..."

But then, his tail stopped wagging, and Silver shot back a worried expression of his own.

“Hm, yeah. We all had to wing it with that divine power and just hope for the best, huh?”

Silver rubbed the back of his neck, an awkward sensation washing over him. “Well, I can’t say to be a fan of Radiance, to be honest. Like, it feels freeing and everything, but it’s… I dunno, way too freeing for me. Losing control like that, and the rush of oh-it-feels-so-good mojo… it’s just not for me.”

The now-Sneasel sighed and shook his head, pushing away his gripes. “I’m more comfortable with Shadows, despite ‘em sounding like some creepy zombie power or whatever. They feel… hmm… very close to how I usually felt throughout my entire life.” He crossed his arms and nodded, satisfied to have found the right words. “It’s a familiar and oddly comforting sensation.”
"The shadowy stuff is... comfortable to you...?" she questioned, as if to clarify. "There's something about us that makes us respond not so violently with it, then...?"

She still really didn’t know how she'd even begin to channel it, but it had to be something to learn, right?

"With Radiance, I think, um... it was kind of a blur, but I think it really kicked in when I  really wanted to save those Prisoners? I was so focused on soothing anyone's Shadows that it was all I could think about. Until you stepped in, anyways. What do you think about when you channel Shadows? Um— you don't have to answer if it's too personal!"
What do you think about when you channel Shadows? Um— you don't have to answer if it's too personal!"

Silver blinked slowly, dumbfounded. That… wasn’t really something he had thought of very in-depth, other than the vague definition of ‘dark stuff that feeds on negative feelings.’

Pressing his arms further against his chest, he thought back on the moments he channeled his Shadows willingly. Like… when he got mugged by those pink imps. Or when he wanted to free Leona from her prison. Or… that moment that Grace just mentioned…

You’re safe… You’re safe… Please, stay safe…

“…Safety. I think that’s the recurring thought I have whenever I channel my Shadows.”

That sudden epiphany surprised Silver, who could only stare at Grace with wide eyes as things clicked into place. Fully aware that she couldn’t hear his mental shouts of realization, he began explaining.

“It’s like… I get this overwhelming impulse to protect myself from any nearby threat. A desire to be much stronger than anything that might hurt me. Even if… that means overwhelming the offending party with, huh, aggression, especially if I feel very insecure for… some reason.”

Or whenever somebody’s a real weakling…

Wincing at his own thoughts, Silver began rubbing an arm nervously, his gaze drifting away. “My temper’s not really something I’m proud of, but I’ve learned how to control it better and not lash out at folks who don’t deserve it. Because… other people should feel safe, too.”

You’re safe… You’re safe… Please, stay safe…

“And when I saw you brimming with all that Radiance, there was only one thought blaring in my brain: to protect you from whatever mental stuff that Radiance was doing to you. I didn’t want you to get hurt, so I did what I could to help…”

A warm wave flushed through Silver’s cheeks as he realized what he just admitted, and he began twiddling his claws. His gaze moved back and forth from Grace to the floor, and that uncharacteristically meek behavior reflected into his voice when he muttered a quiet, “T-that sounded cheesy, didn’t it…?”
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Grace also felt her cheeks heat up as he spoke and had his own revelations. She had no idea what was going on on the inside, but... it seemed like he'd just realised something! She didn't know him well, but still she felt a little bit of pride swell within her for the hughman-turned-sneasel.

"No, no, that's not cheesy!" she assured him with a soft smile and a wave, then glanced around before dropping her voice.

"Wanting to keep everyone safe... I think that's really admirable! Even going as far as to protect others from yourself...? Really, that's a strength not many have, Silver."

Safety... insecurities? Is that what she had to find? Something she was insecure about...? Something to try with training later, perhaps.

Gingerly, she shifted forwards, taking his bigger paw into her little ones. "It's not cheesy to want others to feel safe," she said again. This time there was less cheer and more... sincerity. Silver got the feeling he could probably believe her. "Everyone's got bad stuff they're not proud of. Like... my leader, Ben. But what makes you strong is using that to do better and be stronger."

She gave him a gentle, warm smile.

"You've got a good heart, Silver. I trust you won't hurt me. Ever."
…Trust. That was the undeniable tone of trust. Oh, how much Silver longed for trust and understanding. Hearing Grace talk to him with her warm tone… it brought back memories. Good, wonderful memories.

It was only him and Kotone, shoulder pressed against shoulder, the two of them cuddled up under the thick, wooly blanket. The white wafts of their hot chocolates mingled with the dancing snowflakes from beyond the window, giving an almost magical effect to an already festive moment. That feeling… was it happiness…?

Lost in that colorful daze, Silver did nothing more than stare quietly at Grace as he assimilated her words, the warmth of his cheeks flowing toward his chest. Slowly, he brought his other hand onto the bunch of intertwined paws, his claws fully retracted and a faint golden sheen coating his red pupils.

“…Of course. Why would I ever wanna do that?”

The vivid energy of youthfulness rang loud and clear in Silver’s voice, totally at ease with the kind Togetic. With his confidence surging, he didn’t bother stopping his wagging tail nor the hectic quivers of his weasel-y body, and he reciprocated a joyful and relaxed smile.

For once, he was content with lowering his wall. If only a little. The Radiant energy made sure to not remind him to keep it high.

“And… um, thanks. For your words, really! They mean… much more than you can ever imagine.” Feeling comforted, he bowed slowly with his head as a sign of appreciation and gratitude, and his smile turned into a toothy grin. “I’m not gonna let you or anyone else down. If, hm, you’ll ever need help with Shadows or stuff… just lemme know, alright?”
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Grace's smile grew a little as she listened to his newly emboldened words. Even if the Radiance stirring within him was juicing him up a little, she tried not to giggle as she remembered that this was the same sneasel that didn't want to sing before.

Hm... maybe she should get him to sing properly next time. Hopefully not in a situation where they had to calm down Shadow 'mons.

"Just remember that mistakes are okay-- I don't want you to be perfect," she reminded him softly. "Just yourself."

What feelings could she even channel for her own Shadows? Perhaps it was time to reach out for that one...

"Yeah, Silver. I might take you up on that offer," she then said with a shy smile. "I'll need to figure out what triggers it-- then how to control it. That's the important part."
Silver nodded, putting more fervor into his motion than usual. He didn’t realize that, still too Radiant-dazed. But despite the fog in his brain, it was comforting to hear that many people were fine with him being… well, himself, regardless of his many flaws.

But would they be fine with me even if they knew ‘bout my past…?

That lone thought squeezed his heart for a good second, but the Radiance dulled that feeling. Which was… weird. So very weird. That inconsistency was strong enough to make him notice the golden particles drifting off of his body, and his eyes widened.

Hold on! T-this isn’t like me at all! By the gods… What’s with all these bleeding hearts getting through me like that?!

“Ngggh! Getoffgetoffgetoff!!” he squeaked, flailing his arms at the sparkles, as if he were trying to chase away a swarm of annoying flies.

Soon enough, his Radiance dissipated entirely, and he snorted haughtily and crossed his arms, trying to reclaim his usual aloofness. “Hmph! Okay, that’s more than enough mushiness for an entire week!” He paused, then gave Grace a reassuring stare. “I still appreciated the chat, though…”

With that final whispered sign of gratitude out of the way, Silver flashed a more serious expression.

“Shadows. Unlike Radiance, they latch onto your negative feelings, like sadness, fear or anger. Something I’ve learned from… someone back home is that negative feelings are like an alarm that tells you that something’s off inside of you, prompting you to look into that issue and make things better. They are useful, despite making you feel… not so good.” He tilted his head. “I’d say we could start with that. Is there anything that could make you feel… bad?”
Again, Grace found Silver's behaviour adorable, but chose not to comment on it. She had a feeling it would only embarrass him. With the Radiance he'd been dealing it, it was probably best to avoid firing him up in public...

“Shadows. Unlike Radiance, they latch onto your negative feelings, like sadness, fear or anger. Something I’ve learned from… someone back home is that negative feelings are like an alarm that tells you that something’s off inside of you, prompting you to look into that issue and make things better. They are useful, despite making you feel… not so good.” He tilted his head. “I’d say we could start with that. Is there anything that could make you feel… bad?”

Negative feelings... not so good...

Grace slowly landed on the ground at last, paw to her chin in thought. "Well... when I think of things that make me feel bad, there's some old memories from back home. But... they're not that bad, or every bad memory would set me off!" she explained. "Those are things I've moved past already..."

So... she'd have to think more, then? What else would--

Claws. Snarling. Pain. The rabid eyes. All the blood. She'd barely escaped with her life. She'd almost been killed by that charmander.

Grace blinked, then shook her head. Her wings ruffled. "Um... I guess I'd be worried about not being good enough for the team. I worked hard by myself to get this evolution... and I just hope I can really contribute to the team while I keep getting stronger. But... is that really enough to conjure Shadows...?"

She didn't feel any different, for sure. "Mm... maybe this needs more thought, or meditating!"
"Feeling like you aren't good enough for the team is... a legit and understandable feeling," said Silver with a sad smile. "I'm sure most members of our team deal constantly with that kinda hurdle. Y'know, with so many uncertainties and doubts and... failures. Yeah, huh, that kinda stuff is a powerful venom for confidence." He sighed and looked away. "I know I had such thoughts, myself..."

Sensing that the most critical side of himself was about to chime in, Silver shook his head to clear his mind, and his trademark confidence gleamed bright and clear in his gaze. "But! As you've said, we shouldn't strive to be perfect; we should just aim to do our best. Making mistakes is hum—err!" He raised his claw to correct himself. "Mortal! Making mistakes is just what makes us mortals! And I bet that even the gods, Saints, and whatnot are far from infallible!"

Did that make sense? Hopefully, it did. Or, at least, he hoped Grace understood what he was getting at. He, for sure, knew that he needed to hear his own words, too.

"As for the Shadows... huh, I'm sure they'll come to you when you most need 'em," he continued, giving a reassuring nod and flashing a tiny grin. "I know you'll find a way some day. Just... have patience and trust in your skills, okay?"

Besides, if her inner darkness is so little that she struggles to use her Shadows... is that really such a bad thing?

Silver looked at the stalls, noticing some merchants gathering their products. "Uh oh! Folks're 'bout to pack all their goods! We should try to get everything we need before it's too late to buy the supplies, yeah?"
"Oh stars, I'd be relieved if I knew Legends made mistakes, too!" Grace remarked with a quiet giggle. "Because then nobody is truly perfect!"

"As for the Shadows... huh, I'm sure they'll come to you when you most need 'em," he continued, giving a reassuring nod and flashing a tiny grin. "I know you'll find a way some day. Just... have patience and trust in your skills, okay?"

Her paws moved to clasp over her little body, and she nodded and smiled. "Yeah! I just have to keep trying! I'd be worried if I could control either of them immediately, you know? I just have to find what makes me tick, and hope that's enough to bring out the Shadows!"

So then... what happened if she didn't have any? She didn't have any lingering bad memories to fix, no underlying trauma... what negative emotions could even bring them out...?

Perhaps Forlas could help her find that answer.

Her musings were cut short by Silver's exclamation, and her eyes widened. "Oh no! I still need to restock!" she cried. "Thank you for the talk, Silver, let's be friends and chat later!" she took off towards the stall, frantically waving her little arms and the list in her paw.

"Shopkeep, wait! I-I got distracted, I'm sorry! You're still open, right?!"

[CH05] Surprises, some more Welcome than Others
“Wanted, dead or alive, for highway robbery,” Archie read out. “Miror B., and Team Miror.”

The Dewott reached out, and ripped the posters off the wall, almost not believing what he was seeing. But, sure enough, he’d recognize that ridiculous afro anywhere, smaller than normal or otherwise. And that was certainly the Zangoose and Seviper he’d been dragging around with him the last time they’d encountered him. The Electabuzz and Magmar were new, but they likely wouldn’t be any easier to handle than the others. Certainly, the reward – a total of $8500 for bringing in all five – was substantial. But, Miror B. was a human, and a Cipher admin besides. It would take a bounty hunter of extraordinary ability to capture him. Likely, it would take multiple.

To be honest, there was a part of Archie that was happy to see the man was still alive. He probably didn’t deserve to be lost in time, or whatever might’ve happened to him after taking the relic from Timeless Oasis. Plus, he was another potential source of information. But… What was he up to? Why highway robbery? What about his bosses back at Terminal One? Was he still a part of Cipher? Before the Dewott knew it, he was pacing back and forth across Main Street, studying a wanted poster held in either paw, overthinking it all once again.
That was the Archie, wasn’t it? Dual-wielding wanted posters, probably looking for his next job now that fiends situation was dying down.

He’d worked with Archie a couple times, but never really talked to the guy. Maybe Lumirror was too harsh a starting point, but he should probably at least try to talk to the guy.

“Trouble picking your next mark?”

Business was a safe starting subject. That was the point of connection they already had in common. Also let him size up how the guy approached choosing targets, since Gladion wasn’t sure how he felt about that profession. (A shame. He probably would’ve been good at it otherwise.)
Of all the things to break Archie from his thoughts, he wasn’t expecting a Graydian. Nor could he prevent the momentary look of confusion that passed over his face. This wasn’t Nova, Which meant it had to be…

“Gladion!” he said, expression shifting to a more friendly smile. “You evolved? Congratulations!”

Hopefully it hadn’t been as much of an ordeal for him as it had been for Nova. The pair had worked together a few times, and due to the machinations of Lumirror Forest Archie had inadvertently become something of a secret keeper for Gladion, but they largely moved in different circles, and so Archie wasn’t actually all that familiar with the Graydian, to be honest. Still, he was fond of his fellow Wayfarer!

… Who was presently asking him about the posters presently giving him a minor case of heartburn. The Dewott’s eyes slid from the other Pokemon to the wanted posters, then back again, and he held them out for Gladion to take a look.

“Well, not quite. I actually encountered these guys before, in Timeless Oasis,” he said, “They’re Cipher agents, brutally tough ones at that.”

He gestured to the photo of Miror B. in particular, “this one’s an Admin, like the ones we took down in Terminal Two, but I honestly think he might be tougher than them. I know he looks like a joke, but if you run into them, don’t underestimate them.”
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