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Frontier Town Main Street

"Nah, he's got terrible luck aside from findin' love," Dayle said dismissively. "Guess Gerome and I share that sorta thing, yep..."

He paced, looking thoughtful.

"I can tell you're puzzled by my amazing wiles. Don't worry, it's a mystery to many, perhaps even me! I just know that Alexander fool ain't too bad as long as you don't let 'im seep in at all. Then I just went to Gerome's bar, and it all got better..."
"You went to the bar and just felt better, huh?" That also struck Nova as strange. "Did you get anything to drink? Or maybe Gerome's wife and kid were in town?" They had been in town around the time Alexander was causing trouble, if Nova wasn't mistaken.
"Hmmm... Well, can't really say," Dayle said with a thoughtful hum. "Well, I'm gonna go over my steps again. I got in that scuffle with the Alexander fella, punched him and got away. Ignored all those... dark, deep thoughts, and tried fer those wounds to clear. They weren't. Then I went to the bar, talked to that cat, got punched int' the wall, hmm... Then Gerome helped me up, gave me an Oran er two, and I was good as new! Yeah, it was Gerome's berries, easy!"
Nova thought differently.

"Did you feel anything funny when the cat punched you?" he wondered. "Maybe a little, like, hot energy? Like the cat's paw was on fire?"
"No, no, it was electricity, I'm sure! And somethin' else, too, real hot... yeah. It musta been a special electricity, now that I think about it..." Dayle nodded thoughtfully. "Can't say I've seen a punch like that m'self before."
"I think that special lightning did it, then." Nova nodded slowly. Radiance did counter shadows and it was the Relic Fragment -- a source of radiance -- that ultimately purged Alexander's corruption from Archie and Koa. But for Dayle to have resisted it from the onset...

"Y'know, I wonder, if bonds could have something to do with it." Nova traced a circle in the ground, then doodled some awful dragon heads. "The people Alexander corrupted were on their own. Didn't really have anyone."

He erased the circle and drew two more. "But you were thinking of someone else." He drew a dotted line that stopped by the circles, then crossed it out with an X. "So, maybe that, uh, unity is how your mind's guarded."

Nova drew more circles in the ground. "Like, if you put enough heads together, you protect everyone's minds."
"Huuuh, I wonder..." Dayle thought about this, though it was hard to tell just how many thoughts could actually rattle around in there at the same time. "You might be onto something, Bossa. Yeah..."
"If that's the case... would you be willing to help us Wayfarers stop Alexander?" Nova asked. "We're trying a few different things to disrupt his plans so we can take the fight to him." He glanced at the campaign supplies Dayle was gathering up. "Like, when people tell tales of protecting the frontier, they don't talk about the politicians. And certainly nobody back in the Commonwealth. They talk about the folks on the front lines. And we need a lotta heads for that."
"Hmmm..." Dayle seemed to be considering it with the same intensity he gave every other decision he supposedly made. "Yeah. Yeah! But y'gotta make sure Gerome helps out, too! I know he's sayin' he ain't interested in this kinda thing, but we gotta work together! If I wanna stay sane against someone like that... I need my rock!"
Nova resisted the urge to snrk at the double meaning. "I can certainly try talking to him. And it'd help if you could pass this advice to the other Wayfarers. They have... rocks of their own by now."
"I'll do what I can," Dayle said with a salute. "We'll take down this angel of Psychic death as soon as possible with my help! We'll be unstoppable!"

At least he was happy.
"Careful now," Nova chided. "You and I both know those psychics prey on emotions. Get too overconfident and they'll worm their way into your head." He reared up on his hind legs and wiggled his talons menacingly.
"Right, right." Dayle noded fervently and stood straight. "Well. I'm gonna make some final preparations and make sure the wife is prepared for my departure." He crouched. "'Ntil then!"

And he... jumped. About three blocks away. In one leap.
Nova watched him go. His beak opened slightly. "So, did Gerome pass power onto him?" he wondered. "Or is he descended from someone, too?"

He'd have to think it over. In the meantime, Nova guessed he'd have to follow up with Gerome.

[Ch08] In Tatters (Silver Solo)
Witch’s hour had fallen in Frontier Town by the time Silver returned from the secret hideout and his final meeting with Giovanni. With his muscles still aching from the fight with Alexander and his mind atwitter from the rapid succession of events, it was mostly through sheer willpower that Silver could wander through the much quieter town.

Alexander, Cipher, and Giovanni were gone. Words spread faster than wildfire and the folks around him were once again breathing with relief. Things were finally looking much brighter after so many days of anxiety.

So why, why did he have that weird gnawing emptiness drowning whatever elation he should have felt? Why couldn’t he simply join in the celebration like a regular person? Why did he feel like something had torn a gaping hole in his chest?

It didn’t make any sense! Nothing about his current mindscape made sense! He should be happy, dammit! So why wasn’t he happy?

A sudden gust blew across the town, and a piece of the tattered black suit flew out of his bag. His eyes widened in shock, and without fully knowing why, he raced after the fleeing fragment. He turned around a corner, and with a few swift dashes, he caught the piece of fabric into his claws.

The young Sneasel panted, utterly confused. He sprawled nearby a wall, too tired to even bother with social norms and customs, and his bag slid gracelessly to the floor.

“…What the hell is wrong with me?” he mumbled while tilting the fragment in his claws, and his gaze drifted to the opened bag, which showed the pile of remaining tatters. In a sense, that jigsaw of high quality black fabric reflected the state of his own mind.

That was yet another oddity he couldn’t explain: the sudden attachment to that torn suit. One of the few reminders that Giovanni had ever been in that world, aside from the two Ultra Balls still in his possession.

Overwhelmed by fatigue, Silver closed his eyes and buried his head between his crossed arms, trying to shut off all sensory input. Colorful phosphenes danced in his blackened sight. Sparks floated toward the sky. A Nidoking with a tattered suit melted into flakes of light, leaving Forlas behind. A black man with a black suit and a suitcase walking away, toward Victory Road, never to be seen again…

In his tiredness, he couldn’t stop a question from barging into his troubled mind: Where are you, Dad?

That was it. Silver uncurled himself as those words flooded through his system. He had always done all he could to avoid asking himself that question, fueled by his spite and resentment toward his father, but now that those words had been laid bare in his brain… he still didn’t know what to think and feel, but something had definitely clicked deep inside his spirit, even if he didn’t have a word to define that tangle of sensations.

Was that nostalgia? Longing, perhaps? Or something much more profound?

Silver gazed again at the tattered suit. For some reason, the more he stared at it and the more the storm in his mind quieted down. The vague idea he had formulated in the hideout was brought to the top of his priority list, and a new wave of determination filled his heart.

Slipping his bag back on his shoulder, Silver made a mental note to visit the tailor in the morning and resumed his walk, directed toward his room.

The truth about his past and his father’s whereabouts could wait a little longer, and once he tracked down the old man, Silver would be ready for it.

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