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Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

Jackie Cat

A cat who writes stories.
Heartache staff
they or she
A person's home will say much about them. The living spaces, what they want to show others. The private spaces, what is hidden.

The upper level of the mansion was a subtle contrast to the grandeur of the lower floors. While the ballroom and entertaining spaces were designed for spectacle, the upper chambers served as a private retreat, not intended for parties and other purposeful gatherings. Constructed of the same cream and white wood that characterized the building's exterior, the hallways were less opulent, although still finely detailed. A thick carpet muffled footsteps, and the occasional painting or ornate vase added splashes of color and sophistication. 'Less grand' did not mean less refined.

To the uninformed eye, this floor contained a series of guest rooms, the mayor's own chambers, a study with an adjoining library, and a modest art gallery. The gallery contained a model rendition of Frontier Town – the charming hobby of a public servant to some. To others, the neurosis of an Empoleon who regarded Frontier Town as his empire in miniature. All were lit with modern electrical lights, powered by a generator somewhere in the basement. However, rumour had it that Mayor Oriane had contracted for a secret room to be built somewhere in the mansion during its construction. A trove of uncanny artefacts? A panic room in case of home invasion? Or something else?

All could speculate, but few were ever invited to see for themselves.

[Ch01] ~ A Civilised Heist
Guests were prohibited from accessing the upper floors of the mansion during the Gala. Naturally, this meant very little to those with sufficient motivation.

"So what drew you to the Gala?" Laura was asking, of a trio of Unfezant decorated with tassles and frills. A frustrated Patrat had tried to shoo them downstairs, but he'd been rather outclassed in insistence by three wealthy city-slickers and a would-be reporter, all his size or much larger. He'd eventually given up in a sulk, and resigned himself to watching the windows for signs of intruders.

"Oh, well – when the rail line is complete, this will soon become as fine a city as any in the midwest. And of course Empoleon Voclain will be at the centre of that!"

"And I hear he likes other birds..."

"Oh, shush! It's just good business to meet the fellow in person, isn't it? You have to look your mercantile partner in the eye! Shake his wing! Am I right, or am I right?"

Laura nodded agreeably, having no opinion whatsoever on this bullshit. "I can't help but notice you're not in the ballroom with him..."

One of the Unfezant giggled. "Well. You know."

Another looked around and put a wing surreptitiously to her beak. "He's a 'mon of secrets, they say!"

"Do they?"

"Oh yes," affirmed the male Unfezant. "If any of the, ah, stewards ask – we're just having a look at the art, having got lost on our way to the facilities, or something. But really... Who wouldn't want to find Voclain's secret room?"

"Is it a secret, if everyone knows about it?"

"Ah, but nobody knows what's in it, or where it is. That's secret enough!"

Laura made a sage expression of total agreement. Just keep them thinking that what they said was the most important thing ever...

She hadn't been sure what she was even expecting, honestly. A silhouetted figure waking her in her room to explain a secret plan? Nah. But the Gala was here, and all she'd heard so far was what Sonora had told her the other night. So she was snooping again, trying to figure out how to even help, and what Las Picaras were even looking for. She'd already learned a few things that might be useful, and found a few of her fellow 'heroic spirits' also snooping around. Maybe all they needed was a distraction, and an entryway? If only they could communicate and coordinate! Howls afar, she missed her goddamn cellphone!


She'd just have to try and get their attention and talk it out. If there was time.

"What on earth is that?"

How unsightly. Perhaps a local feral...?"

Laura turned to look where the birds were fussing over.

One of the windows had been daubed with paint in bright primary colours. The symbol looked kindof like an upward arrow...
"Did somebody say something about a secret room?"

Anyone who looked away from the window would now see Rodion standing next to Laura with a glass of champagne in his paw, looking up at the three Unfezant with a confident smile. It appeared Sonora wasn't the only one good at making sudden entrances...
Ah stars, this was dumb even by his standards.

The ghost-type had overslept and missed the first cue to stop Sonora before she got to the gala, and he hadn't exactly managed to get a ticket out of anyone, either. In his frantic fit, he ducked beneath the ground and barely poked his head out to see if he could tag along in someone's shadow. Thankfully, he found a particularly large attendant to slink beneath as he made his way inside.

Once they entered one of the emptier halls, he quickly dashed out like the phantom he was and tried to phase through any wall or ceiling he could find to keep himself hidden. It took a few bumps to the head to realize the outer walls were ghost-proof, but at least the inner ones had a few vulnerabilities. He aimlessly kept moving along hoping to bump into someone he recognized...

...Only to let out a light squeak as he poked his head and saw at least five people marching through the upper floors. At least there was someone there he knew, but...

He ducked and tried to slither his way to the nearest shadow to hide behind. Forgive him, Meowth.
Ridley had paid attention to the gala proper for exactly long enough to locate the food tables and obtain as many canapés as he could reasonably contain under his disguise, and now he was strolling around the upper levels of the mansion, snacking as he went.

Honestly, even if he hadn't agreed to Sonora's party-crashing scheme, he'd probably have made his way upstairs either way. Ridley had attended a couple of fancy parties before and was firmly of the belief that it was always more interesting to explore off-limits areas than it was to attend the actual party.

Getting up here had been remarkably easy. Ridley considered himself moderately adept in stealthy movement, courtesy of his misspent youth, and becoming a tiny ghost had only increased his natural sneakiness. Now he just needed to find where the action was...

He ate another canapé and wondered what the deal was with posh party food always being unsatisfyingly tiny.
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Laura turned to the Buizel in a gold bowtie and bowler hat who'd made himself known, and wondered if he was trying for a distraction. He seemed the type to be up for a little sleight of hand...

"Oh, hello! It's, ah... Rodion, right? I was just asking these fine 'mon about the rumours..."

"Why yes," preened the male Unfezant. "It's very much the talk of the top floor of Sun Stone these past several nights. There's even, dare I even say it—"

"Oh, don't, how gauche!"

"—a betting pool on who can find the fretted thing!"

The birds began to explain to Rodion just what the rumours were, and Laura slipped past to undo the latch on the window and slide it up, letting in some cool evening air... and any airborne or high-climbing intruders that might be around. Now they just needed someone to signal that the window was open...

It might be worthwhile to try figuring out how to get past that huge painting and into the secret hallway, too, if that was what Sonora's crew were after. Maybe unbolt the door to the rooftop, too? She tried looking around for anyone she recognised as in on the plan who might help.
Felin snuck up beside Laura and tipped her black rimmed hat towards her. She looked at her with a grin. "How goes it? I've been looking around trying to guess where Sonora would come in from. We ought to make it easier for her, don't we?"
Laura nodded her chin at the other cat in greeting. "Hey. Goes okay. Pretty sure the window I just opened was a valid one, we just have to distract those guests away. Could you do that – or nip upstairs without being seen, and undo the bolt on the door to the rooftop?"
Ghaspius covered his mouth as he was dragged along by Laura towards the window trying not to make any noise. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't help but lurch out as the Meowth came to a sudden stop. Whether it was ill fate or lucky fortune, the Misdreavus ended up nearly being flung out of the window, but a quick grip of the tassels saved him.

He dangled over the precarious position as he let out a shudder. "Spooky..." he whispered to himself before looking back up. He wasn't entirely certain he could make it up on body strength alone, so perhaps he could call on a move. Except he was a bit light on them at the moment. His eyes darted from side-to-side. 'Huh, you know, the pattern on the walls out here kinda remind me a bit of this one brew...'

The accidental cast of a Metronome-powered Celebrate could have easily been mistaken as a signal. And one that could have potentially been mistaken as part of the party below by unknowing guests. If only it didn't require a Misdreavus hanging out of a window.
"Will get the bolt," Felin said with a light chuckle. "I'm not so good at distracting without drawing a lot of attention."

She slid away right then and blended in, keeping to corners and making herself seem dull to not draw anyone's eyes towards herself.
At the top of the stairs, Isidora took off her hat and sandals, placing them in her bag. Even if she was getting used to them, she didn't want either in her way for something this important.

She sneaked through the halls, keeping an ear out for sounds, when she heard the chattering of bird pokémon around a corner. She peeked around it and felt some relief when she recognized Laura and Felin at the window, and the buizel wearing a bowler hat distracting some unfezant. The birds look like they're just curious guests. She casually rounded the corner and walked up to Laura and Felin, her ear twitching at the conversation's mention of rumors, but that likely wasn't important... yet.

She made it to them just as Felin slipped away. "Made it." Isidora stared out the window at the misdreavus dangling from the edge. "Looks like you've all got a plan." I think. She glanced back at Laura. "Anything you need me for?"
Laura gave a grateful look to Isidora.

"Honestly, just making sure the 'mon on patrol up here are distracted would be a great help. There was a Patrat a minute ago paying attention to the windows..."

She glanced at Ghaspius, who... could possibly have been sending a signal? It was unclear. He may just have been drunk...

Meanwhile, Felin made her way upstairs and sought out the door to the rooftop. The Patrat assigned to it was taking an evening nap and nursing a bottle of cheap gin. Unbolting the door could hardly have been easier. This was really the mayor's security taskforce...?
Felin quirked a grin at the sleeping patrat. Poor rodent. If she hadn't been on the job she would have made away with the cheap gin.

Having soft paw pads helped a lot when it came to sneaking around. She approached gently, careful not to make a sound. In a single motion, she unbolted the door with ease. She shot the patrat a glance. Who knew if he was an incredibly light sleeper?
Lyle hung along with Laura's group as she opened the window while Rodion distracted the Unfezant. Whelp, he'd held up his end of the bargain and it was time to take his leave.

... Except, something about this all smelled to him. Ignatius already expected that Sonora was coming and this gala was supposed to be heavily guarded. Everything that they'd seen so far indicated that this floor... wasn't.

It all had just been a bit too easy so far.

"... Remind me, one of us brought Wonder Orbs along before we came in, right?" he whispered. "Since I've got a feeling that if we're planning on stick around, we're gonna need 'em."
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As she moved into the mansion, Steven stayed close to Odette's side. He watched her gaze as she scanned the room, taking note of who she recognized. He was thankful for her help in sorting through the lively crowd, since he hadn't met many of their group. For everyone else, he did his best to make small talk, trying to gauge what sort of investors had taken an interest in the mayor's gathering. Nothing seemed amiss so far.
Odette spent a bit of time moseying around and speaking with her best tippers, putting on her “high society” face as she did. Every now and then she would glance at Steven, just to ensure he was keeping up and seemed okay. She had noticed the archway leading upstairs at one point, and that’s where she knew she needed to go.

She leaned over toward Steven and nodded in the direction of the stairs.

“I think that’s where I’m supposed to meet my group,” she whispered. “Are you gonna be okay alone? If anything goes wrong, come find me. Hopefully I’ll still be up there.”

She was about to implore him to text her, but alas. Electricity of that caliber didn’t seem to exist in this world yet. She’d just have to keep her ear out, in case she heard a scream.

“Good luck.”


When she made it to the top of the stairs, moving on her tip toes just to ensure she remained quiet, she let her guard down just a smidge when she saw the group gathered. Some faces she recognized, and others she didn’t.

Ridley and Felin stuck out to her the most. So did Isidora, but clearly the sneasel had some sort of stick in her ass that Odette wasn’t interested in poking, so she cautiously moved up to the cleffakyu.

“Sorry,” she whispered. “Got a little lost in the crowd. Catch me up to speed, somebody?”
Sleepy Ratpost: 705821 said:
"All goin' well, then?" he mumbled. "A'ight..."

Felin smiled at him and didn't respond. As she left, she muttered, "Sleep tight, Mr Rat. Might be hard if things get crazy though. Haha."
The rooftop patio was empty and silent, save for the sound of insects stridulating in the dusk.

Then a flash of light and a whoosh of displaced air indicated the arrival of Scovillain Hob & Nero, landing with a heavy thump before swaggering towards the door.

"Not bad not bad, looks like you came through after all," drawled Hob.

Nero gave a brief nod of respect to the Sprigatito, but then the outlaw strode straight downstairs, the other head saying, "No time for chit chat, let's get to that secret room."

It seemed the plan was underway.

Meanwhile, on the middle floor, the open window was taken advantage of by a Grafaiai slipping easily through with only a slight gasp of exertion. Not an outlaw anyone recognised – from the bandit camp, or from a wanted poster.

"Vago," they said, apparently introducing themself to the heroic spirits present. "Of Las Picaras. Do you know the way?"

Laura bit her lip. "To the, ah, hollow space behind a painting? I know how to get to the, uh, painting, at least."

"Good enough."

Laura threw a troubled beckoning gesture at the allies she could see, and lead Vago through the corridors, dripping paint from their fingers on the plush carpet. It was unclear whether this was deliberate, or careless...
Laura threw a troubled beckoning gesture at the allies she could see, and lead Vago through the corridors, dripping paint from their fingers on the plush carpet. It was unclear whether this was deliberate, or careless...
Odette exchanged a look with Laura. Must be with us, she thought. She wordlessly followed along next to the meowth, eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“Do you have any idea what the plan is here?” she asked.
Ghaspius let out a soft yelp as the Grafaiai climbed straight past him and into the window proper. With a deep breath, he slowly climbed back into the hall the struggled and boring way and let out an exhale as he near-landed just above the floor.

He gave a meek wave to the others before speaking up. "Ah, good, could you tell Sonora..." He trailed off as his brow furrowed. She wasn't here, and as far as Ghaspius was considered, he had already tightly involved himself in whatever crimes they were in the process of committing. "...Scare my Rookidees," he swore to himself. He didn't feel like testing the window or the patience of the guards.

He'd just have to go along with it, he supposed. "Uh, 'bout that paint..." He softly said as he followed.
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