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Metallica inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

... I thought they were already in there.
Shows what I know about metal. ^^'
man the rock and roll hall of fame is one of the most ridiculously useless things that people for some reason pretend to care about
Run-D.M.C. got inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, too. If I'm not mistaken, Blondie and Madonna did, too, in the past few years. If you ask me, induction into the Hall of Fame should be taken with a grain of salt.

I'll admit, maybe a bigger grain of salt than most, but still, a lot of people who don't deserve it have been inducted. So...
Of those, Blondie was the one I could most see getting inducted. Run-D.M.C., Madonna, not so much. Blondie is the only one who's actually rock, and I guess they deserve the status, I just don't like them that much.
I'm pretty sure Venom are death metal, and Exodus created thrash.

I'm pretty sure death metal didn't even exist when Venom started playing. Death metal started way later, with Death, and Possessed. Venom definitely influenced the genre (even though they were a bigger influence on BM). I don't know where you got your facts from, but I hear no DM in venom. It's all tremolo picked riffs and yelled vocals, which is a clearly thrash trait. I don't see downtuned chugs, chromatic riffs, or growled vocals.

Exodus was one of the first bands though, but I don't really listen to Exodus that much. Thrash ain't my thing.
Of those, Blondie was the one I could most see getting inducted. Run-D.M.C., Madonna, not so much. Blondie is the only one who's actually rock, and I guess they deserve the status, I just don't like them that much.

i would say they deserve it mostly because they were willing to experiment with upcoming genres at the time - disco, rap, reggae - and make them accessible yet entirely their own all the same. they made great pop music; i'd rather see blondie in than anyone else you mentioned. (though i'm sure run-d.m.c. is legitimate.)
it's kind of retarded that they're putting rap in the rock and roll hall of fame imho. even if it's good rap... it's not the "rap and roll hall of fame"! there isn't even a such thing as "rap and roll". although it sounds pretty cool. I wonder what that would be like.
there's rap-rock, but i'm sure you avoid it like the plague.

all in all, the rock and roll hall of fame is pretty meh for me, too. while they do pay respect to groups i listen to - the velvet underground and blondie are the ones that have been inducted - there are loads more groups i can probably expect to never get in that are as good as those, like sonic youth or my bloody valentine.
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