Round Thirteen
Meursault (xO)

Malmö (F) Synchronize
Health: 59%
Energy: 68%
Status: Plotting her revenge. SpA +1, SpD +1.
Commands: Psychic ~ Dazzling Gleam ~ Body Slam
The Omskivar (xO)

Rerun (M) Static
Health: 31%
Energy: 48%
Status: Feeling like a thunder god. Att -1, SpA +1.
Commands: Thunder/Light Screen~Thunder/Light Screen/Charge Beam~Zap Cannon/Light Screen/Charge Beam
At the start of the next round, Malmö presses her offensive. Her hands lift dramatically as she grabs Rerun again, and once again he expresses his displeasure through waving his arms. She lifts him into the air, making sure he gets a faceful of snowflakes, and bashes him into the snow-covered ground. She watches him as he lies there, struggling to get his breath back. When he finally returns to his feet, a little shakily, his expression is thunderous. Literally so: he reaches up, up, up into the clouds, calling upon the forces of nature to punish this chick once and for all. The clouds respond, and a massive bolt of lightning shoots groundward, slamming into Malmö with enough force to knock her down. She shrieks as the electricity wreaks havoc on her muscles, making her twitch uncontrollably.
Struggling to regain control of her limbs, Malmö manages to right herself. She takes a deep breath, focuses deeply, and lets loose a dazzling array of light and colors that shine aggressively in Rerun’s face. The light goes right into his eyes, searing his nerves and making him howl in rage as much as in pain. Furious, he reaches into the heavens and calls forth another mighty bolt of retribution … and it slams into the ground about a foot from Malmö, vaporizing the snow in a puff of oxygen. He breathes heavily, struggling to stay awake. Even his socket horn things are drooping. Just a little longer, he thinks. Pull through this, somehow … Suddenly, with a snap, the world rights itself, and the snow resumes its leisurely descent. The trainers, a little relieved at the natural order returning, remain nevertheless alert for whatever happens next.
Rerun waves an arm experimentally, and is delighted when it moves at its usual speed. He darts forward, then prepares himself, creating between his hands a ball of electricity that quickly becomes massive in size. Though he shakes from the effort of keeping it together, he nevertheless is able to awkwardly chuck it, which is takes focus in and of itself. The attack hits Malmö right in the chest, frying every last nerve to the point that she can only mewl in pain. Hours seem to pass for her, but it’s really only a few seconds before she collapses, twitching.
Rerun watches, cautiously. Did he do it? It was powerful, but he didn’t think it was
that powerful. On a whim, he pokes her, then skips back. She doesn’t react. He must have done it, then! Best Elekid ever! He looks up into the snow, laughing as the flakes settle on his nose. He can already feel that much closer to being an Electabuzz; maybe his storm god dreams will come true after all! Wiping his forehead, he takes a moment to feel relief that it’s over … and then he freezes at the sound of something stirring. With creeping dread, he watches as Malmö groggily, achily gets up again. Every one of her movements is as stiff as a board, like she’s being controlled by a particularly bad puppeteer. Standing, she wobbles, taking pained steps forward, and, in a sudden motion, throws herself forward. It’s more like falling, really, but her whole weight is behind it, and it’s enough to make Rerun squeak as she slams him into the ground.
There’s a few seconds of silence. Malmö backs away with a gait like a zombie’s, and the ref examines the unmoving Elekid. After a moment, she signals that Rerun is down and out, much to Meursault’s delight. Malmö stares into space, eyes flickering between the trees, even as she’s recalled and the chilly trainers make their way back to shelter. All around, the snow continues to fall, eliminating their tracks with gentle flurries as the light grows colder and dim.
Meursault (xO)

Malmö (F) Synchronize
Health: 31%
Energy: 56%
Status: Too sore to celebrate. Paralyzed (severe). SpA +1, SpD +1.
Actions: Psychic ~ Dazzling Gleam ~ Body Slam
The Omskivar (xX)

Rerun (M) Static
Health: 0%
Energy: 27%
Status: Knocked out!
Actions: Thunder ~ Thunder (missed) ~ Zap Cannon
Arena Notes:
- The snow is falling. On the ground, it’s 5 inches deep.
- Malmö’s health: 59% - 13% (Thunder) - 15% (Zap Cannon) = 31%
- Malmö‘s energy: 68% - 4% (Psychic) - 3% (Dazzling Gleam) - 5% (Body Slam) = 56%
- Rerun’s health: 31% - 12% (Psychic) - 15% (Dazzling Gleam) - 8% (Body Slam) = 0%
- Rerun’s energy: 48% - 7% (Thunder) - 7% (Thunder) - 7% (Zap Cannon) = 27%
Other Notes:
- As of the third action, Rerun outspeeds Malmö (95 > 40).
- On the first action, Thunder paralyzed Malmö.
- Dazzling Gleam was a critical hit (perfect 1!).
- The second Thunder missed.
- Questions or concerns? Let me know.
- Nice going, guys! Thanks for your patience with the bumps here and there.
- Meursault earns $16. Schwyz and Malmö each get 2 exp and happiness, and Schwyz can evolve.
- The Omsivar earns $8. Rerun gets 2 exp and happiness, and Drogon gets 1 exp and happiness.
- I get $10.