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Mewtwo's Lair

Grace straightened her stance a little as a bright grin crossed her expression. She squealed lightly and clapped her paws together. "I'd love to come back and play more! Maybe I can bring a better deck of cards, or--"

She paused for a moment, and the togetic's grin settled into a soft smile. "Do you... have any requests? Maybe I can work with Giovanni and Red and we can bring some things you might want?"
Owen hesitated. He was tempted by that, yet some part of him was held back, too. He held the can with the message on it a little tighter. Then, he eased up.

"...Just... tell Mhynt I'm sorry," he said.
She nodded. "Yeah, I can do that. I think... she'll be really happy to hear from you," Grace replied. "I'll come as often as I can, Owen. Don't give up, alright?"

Without waiting for an answer, her wings carried her to the exit where she nodded at Red. "I hope you and Giovanni don't mind getting extra visitors," she said with a small giggle, and then she left.
Red flew after Grace to help her out of the lab through their usual venues. With a final glance behind to see how Owen was, Red followed her out.

Owen stared at the can for a few more seconds. Then, at his tail, focusing on it. The embers crackled from black to flecks of orange, but ultimately settled into black again. He heaved a weak sigh, dark mist filling the room before dissipating into nothing.

He said not a word. Yet, from then on, Owen gave Red no trouble in the lab...

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