• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

New user - LOVE ME!


I just love halloumi
I must start by saying I love the rules on this forum (I actually read them :freaked:). I'm quite active on another forum, and there are no such rules there. People are seriously bashed for making tiny mistakes and it really irritates me how anonymity invites such aggressive behaviour from some people. So yeah, liking this so far.

Secondly, I should point out that I don't really know much about Pokemon (I would copy and paste the accented e but I know I'll get tired of that rather quickly, for you pedants out there). I was, until recent, rather proud that I could name pretty much all of the first and second generation Pokemon. Then my boyfriend (whom I love to bits and is an incredible person - he's not just lovely on the forums - he is all the time!) brought round his DS and I decided to have a go on one of the new ones (Black & White I think?) and was astounded about all I'd missed. I was even stumped by the spam-control Delcatty on the way in here - I had to google its file name to work out what it was.

So I'm not entirely sure how much I'll be able to contribute to the forum, but I am a huge fan of the series, and I've been playing it since I was a child. I'm sure that's the main reason most of you are here, so here I am. :grin:

So please don't hate me, I'm sure I'll learn!

I'm a web designer, DJ and producer ( for those who are interested, I make music like this, this, and that - that last one might be NSFW ;) ). I also do graphic design, so contact me if you ever need anything doing!

Recently I bought a house, which I am moving into on Friday this week, and my boyfriend will be moving in shortly after, which is extremely exciting, and we're both going through a very nostalgic phase at the moment so here I am. :)

Now that's what I call an intro post - appreciate ;)
Hi! Welcome to the cave! I be the resident Miku fan/psychedelic colours giver/Lapras/Noob team builder (I'm managing it. Don't worry). I have already given you your psychedelic colours and now here is this long list of things which I forget over time.

  • Should you need any help VM or PM anyone or join TCoD's Welcome Mats (now with a link. =3)
  • Great, I'm forgetting them already, um
  • Don't press Ctrl+W, Alt+F4 or F12
  • Always remember stuff. It helps. A lot
  • I appreciate your welcome post although it was kinda ruined by Miku videos buffering
LuckyLapras, couldn't you give the guy some tea and cod? Gosh! It's like, a policy by now! Isn't it..? >.>

Oh, er, anyway, welcome!
*gives RavioliFaceMan some tea and cod* Enjoy!

LL doesn't give tea and cod because I do, but hey, have a foam sword! Some invisible Garchomps might try to eat your ravioli. Fight them off with the foam swordy.

If you like graphic design, you can show off your work in the Artwork section.
I'm sorry to have caused this tea and cod related dispute! But im very thankful for the foam sword, anyway. Im not sure my graphic design would really fit in here, but if you have logo shop type threads here I might do one of those?
Welcome to the forums. You may call me CJ, Wolf, or Kid.

I am the resident wolfmaster and lover. Enjoy yourself and have lots of fun. We are a friendly if not random bunch and if you are fun loving you shall fit right in. I have been to other forums that are dreary as you describe.

Enjoy ^(o_o)^
Hello. Welcome to TCoD. I will tell you off the bat, to avoid future disdain- people act friendly in the introductions. I will admit that. But as soon as you leave the intro phase, people are douches. Yet I cannot escape the forms because I live inside of the internet and I cannot escape.

Hah, disregard all of that except for the first two sentences. That was my Mohacastle evil twin speaking. His name is Eltsacahom. Ignore him.

I hope you have fun here! You're a Second Generation fan, so you should understand my welcome gift better than some. Take this Red Scale, and trade it for the item that makes the game actually playable. You're welcome in advance.

As for your boyfriend- tell him I said thank-you, as I'm too lazy to do so myself. Thank-you, because he's the one that inspired me to pick up the pieces of my broken Fan game and recreate it. So thank you to Zeyphrous!
LuckyLapras, couldn't you give the guy some tea and cod? Gosh! It's like, a policy by now! Isn't it..? >.>

Oh, er, anyway, welcome!
*gives RavioliFaceMan some tea and cod* Enjoy!

We all split the Welcome Gifts. I got my idea of colours. Absoul got foam sword and tea and cod. Frostagin got scones. Mohac does whatever Mohac does. I pay absolutely no attention to him
Well I believe I got my tea and cod from someone else when I joined. I'm too lazy to be sure, though.
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