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if the nineth lion ate the sun.
On the 16th of July I'm going to be leaving for NYC for five days :D I'm so pumped! I get to add another country (and continent) to my list of places I've visited~! ... Yeah that makes me happy, I'm kind of sad shut up.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do while I'm there (other than shop until my arms and legs fall off)? Nintendo Centre is a given, but...?
Don't die :) thats a given though. Uh. Never been there ...Statue of Liberty is back open though, so definatly take a picture from the top of that :3
Count how many Starbucks you see.

NYC is an awesome place; I can't remember just what all I did while I was there (besides shop... I got to see the Pokemon Center back when it was still the Pokemon Center >:V!) but yeah. Maybe order some pizza too. And there's always the typical stuff that everyone does like Empire State Building / Liberty Island / Central Park / Broadway.
I went there once, for a sixth grade field trip. We watched the Phantom of the Opera. I have no idea if it's still running but if it is, you should see it for sure. It's amazing. Or just watch a Broadway show in general. There's only one place in the world where so many great plays are bunched together. I wouldn't miss out on it.

Oh, and go to all those silly landmarks too. Get a t-shirt, those are always nice. Eat at the Hollywood Cafe and pray you don't get a crap prop to sit next to. I'd suggest skating in Rockefeller Center but it's too damn hot for that. So you should take a walk in Central Park to compensate.

And would you go up the Empire State Building for me? I didn't get the chance too, and I feel so jaded about that </3.

It sucks being in Central New York. So close to one of the greatest cities in the world, and yet so goddamn boring.
Bah, I was going to go but the semester at the college I'm going to starts too early.

Have fun in my stead! ;~;

Although to be honest, the prospect of going to NYC was a bit scary.
Statue of Liberty, yadda yadda yadda.

Oh, and don't forget to get a Brooklyn-style pizza. And a hotdog just to say you have.
Count how many Starbucks you see.

... was it you who asked me to do that when I went last April? I counted 29. x3

(besides shop... I got to see the Pokemon Center back when it was still the Pokemon Center >:V!)

Ugh, I didn't get to go there when I went. I wanted to, but I didn't get a chance to. D:

Anyway, hope you have a great time, Tailsy! I loved NYC when I went. <3
... was it you who asked me to do that when I went last April? I counted 29. x3

Yeah, I tell everyone to do that when they go to New York, because there's a ridiculous number of them and I forgot to keep track. :V Now, if she were going to the South, I'd be telling her to count Waffle Houses.

Eew, I was always too creeped out by the hot dogs sold on the street to get one, but more power to you if you do.

NYC is a great place to just people-watch too. I was at a park while I was there, and these monks dressed in orange robes came. Squirrels were coming right up to them and eating out of their hands. It was kind of cool.
gasp you're coming to visit meee!
You know Citi Field? Every time they hit a home run this huge apple goes fwooop and appears. It was amazing.
And the hot dogs aren't THAT good.
The window that we had in our hotel room overlooked some back street, so my friend would randomly open the window and call out things to the people on the street below. Once she asked what street we were on.

... nobody answered. x3

Tailsy, do you know yet what you're going to be doing there?
Errr...I dunno really. I'd say to go to Broadway. Just walk around....there are so many shops and stuff. It's...so big.

And be all happy when you see a pigeon, like I was a couple years back. xD
I've taken all your suggestions on board~!

I guess I'm just going to write a MASSIVE LIST and shove it in my parents' faces before running off to do weird random shit like taking pictures of myself at various locations. And buying things for my bros.

EDIT: Also I've seen enough pigeons. :P
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