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Frontier Town Nocwell's General Goods

Koa's eyes widened. "Wh... really?" He almost didn't believe her, or wouldn't have a few months ago. "Even a legen- saint?" Just what kind of powers did her world have?

"It's weird, coming here. Being a human I couldn't do much but now I feel so much stronger..." A longing crept into his tone. If he had this body and strength back home, then maybe he could fix things. "It must be weird to lose power instead of gaining it. Does your world literally have power tied to your dreams?" Was that like aura?
"It absolutely is weird, but what's a job that doesn't come with a good challenge to solve?" she answered with a shrug. "I'll use what I'm given."

Felin set aside the inventory and sat down much like any cat would. In her paws she flicked a shell bell. Ring ding ding it went, over and over like a cat's toy.

"The world favors those with dreams. They hold convictions in their hearts to make their dreams come true. Protect their hopes and foster their dreams, so they may shine evermore like the stars of the night sky," She paused her paw, leaving it to hover above the shell bell. "It's an old legend I picked up somewhere."

The shell bell's ding rippled through the air as she batted it. "I've never let anything keep me down. I'll chase my dream till it comes true."
He watched her bat the bell back and forth, his eyes going back and forth in time. A gleam of delight sparked in his gaze as she continued, and his tail began to wag without him realizing.

She might have been from another world, and maybe there was things that they didn't understand, but there was something deeper they shared in common. "Yeah exactly! That's what I want too! Back home, I mean." He stamped the floor adamantly with a paw. "Dreams matter and you can't let anything stop you." He paused, then asked, "What is your dream?" In spite of his excitement, there was an underlying conviction to his tone as he stared at her.
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"My dream is to be a hero of Legend." Felinn swatted the shell bell back into the pile of items where it bobbed in place and grew still.

"It's been my dream ever since I was a kit. You could say it's a childish dream, and I agree." Her shoulders rose and fell in a shrug. "Wouldn't stop me though."
"There's no such thing as a childish dream," he said adamantly. "Dreams are important. and you shouldn't give up." How many times had he heard something similar as growing up? All the times people said it was stupid, or he'd grow out of it, like it wasn't important. Like it didn't mean anything.

"Why do you want to be a hero of legend?" he asked eagerly.
The question Koa asked provoked a grin from Felin. She flicked her wrist and swung her arm in a motion.

"To mean something to Pokemon," was her answer. "I want my name to bring mon hope, scare ne'er-do-wells away and for my name to be on everymon's tongue."

Felin laughed to herself and made eye contact with Koa. "A mon dies only when they're forgotten, but a hero who lives on through the ages can save others even when dead." She pointed a thumb at her heart.

"They'll do that by inspiring more heroes to take a stand in times of strife. That's who I want to become."
A tingle ran from his ears to tailtip as she explained. To mean something. To make a legacy, to be remembered for ages... For a bizzare moment he felt almost as if he were gazing into a mirror. She's like me.
You'll never be like her.

It felt bizzarely... relieving, and exciting, to know that somone else in their group shared a similar ambition. It was a moment before he could find his words. "I understand. Making a name for yourself, doing something so great that you'll be remembered for for generations. Something that means something, fixes- makes the world better. A good legacy." His words burned with desperate desire as a spark in him flared up again. "I want that too. I'm going to do it by challenging a legendary pokemon back home. Earning its respect." He'd been cautious about sharing too much but even with their different worlds, he was sure she'd understand.
Koa's answer brought a smile of intrigue to Felin's face and she had to pause her supply packing. The conversation drew in her complete attention.

"My, you're aiming farther than the stars, Koa," Felin said with a grin. "Which go-- I mean legendary mon do you have your sights on? Is it Articuno the Frost, or Victini the Victorious." She waved her arm like she could streak it across the stars.--or even Rayquaza the Lord of the Skies?"
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There was the question, the same one he'd asked himself so many times before but never quite came to any kind of resolution. It sounded like Felin knew of legendaries, or at least knew of similar ones to those of his world.

Would Felin think it stupid that he didn't have an exact answer? "Honestly... I'm not sure. I considered traveling to Hoenn to meet Latias, but... I guess I never really decided, I always wanted to wait and see... Rayquaza would be awesome. I actually saw Ho-Oh once, maybe I could challenge it again."

Catching something like that though... It felt like too much to hope for.
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Koa's uncertainty in himself sparked another chord with Felin. "You don't need to have it all figured right away. I know more than a couple mon much older than you and yet they don't even know what to do with their lives."

She smiled encouragingly at him. "What would you hope for should a legendary acknowledge you?"
I can fix it. I can finally make it all better. I can prove...

Koa stared at her for a moment, a gleam of sincerity in his gaze. He grinned. "I'd like to show legendaries back home that humans can be friends. Make the world better." You'll never be good enough to do it.
"Is that so? Well, If it's you then I believe you can do it," Felin said as she walked up to him, her paw dropping onto his shoulder for a few awkward pats.

It surely didn't help that he was taller. Evolution should hopefully change that. She returned her paw to the ground and meowed faintly.

"Starting with a plan for your dream should help," Felin said. "Come up with any yet? Please, don't be shy to tell me. I'm all ears."
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It was so nice to be able to talk about it without the wariness or judgement. He couldn't help but supress a chuckle at her asking about a 'plan', however. "I had lots of plans. Well, one big one, before I started. I thought I could plan a perfect journey. Anyways, I realized that lots of unpexpected stuff always happens, so I had to roll with the punches."

He gave a wry smile. "But I still have one plan. Help my team get stronger by challenging gym leaders-" he paused. She probably didn't know what those were. "They're kind of like uh... strong captains? And leaders of towns, and they give out these badges if you prove yourself. If I beat all of them, I can climb this place in my home region called Mt Coronet." Somehow, it felt easier to explain given her world was nothing like his. His eyes shone with eagerness as he continued.

"It's uh... complicated. But ever since some weird stuff happened back home, the mountain is supposedly cursed. So I'm going to get strong enough to climb it, reach the peak, and get rid of the curse. Then I'll travel the world until I catch a legendary." I have to.
Felin failed to suppress a twitch in her eye at Koa boldly declaring he'd 'catch'--what in her world were outright gods--a legendary. No need to judge his phrasing. Different worlds with different rules, she reminded herself.

There was a certain hint of... something. She'd have missed it entirely had it not been so familiar, too close to home. Well, she didn't feel it right to prod at it.

"Your quest sounds like a chronicle I heard in the past. Swap out these captains with totem beasts and climbing a mountain to clear a curse with beating a Totem lord and you have yourself quite the hero's journey," Felin told him with an grin. Her gaze softened to contemplation. Maybe she'd prod, just a little.

"Whatever you do, don't lose sight of what's ahead. There's no straight path to greatness." Felin brushed her nose and left her paw hanging by her whiskers. "Always get back up when knocked down."

Was that good advice? Probably not. Maybe. Felin couldn't know what she hadn't learned yet either. Perhaps it'll be of some value to him either way.
Totem beasts... so her world had something like that too... "I won't," he replied firmly, his heart warming at her understanding. She had that same conviction he did, that unyielding drive. "My cousin told me its always about what you learn if you're defeated. I can't let anything stop me."

He kneaded a paw into the floor for a moment. "You too," he added. "You can't let anything stop you if you want to become a hero. Do you have a plan as well? I'm all ears too, if you want to share."
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Felin chuckled into her paws and lightly shrugged.

"I kind of did say my plan earlier. I lend my help to those who need a helping paw," Felin said, fiddling with another object from the supply pile. "From I'll build my reputation will grow and I'll be more well known."

"A hero doesn't sit around for somemon to come crying to be saved. They go looking for those they can help."

Was that truly all that lay in Felin's plan? The look in her eyes as she'd spoken almost mirrored Koa's while he'd been speaking himself, though a shadow of loneliness cast over her eyes momentarily.

Felin turned back to Koa with a smile. The bag still looked overfilled. Was she poor at inventory management?

"It's as good a plan as any, isn't it?" she asked simply
That was almost uncanny. A flicker of kinship came over him, a sense that their drives were similar. In Koa's heart he felt a curiosity to ask her more, to chat the day away swapping stories and dreams and plans. And yet...

Unease held him back. If he asked her about her dreams, about how she wanted to achieve her goal, then wouldn't she ask the same of him?

"I think its a great plan," he said honestly. But he could share something simple, the truth. "Back home I... I was pretty obsessed with plans. Even stuff I really couldn't plan. It took me some time to realize that the journey was just as important. So even if you don't know all the specifics, it doesn't make it bad! Like you said, you just gotta keep trying and helping people."
"Being obsessed with plans huh?" Felin's tail stiffened as she said that, but the rest of her demeanor hadn't changed visibly otherwise. A small laugh managed to spring off her by the time Koa finished.

"You remind me of myself when I was younger," she said. "If you're still like me when you're older then I think you'll have a bright future ahead of you."

A mischievous lilt tugged at the corner of her lips as she shrugged. "Then again, you'll have to compete with a living legend by then. Better make sure you shine much much brighter to stand a chance."
The gleam in his eye matched her own and he grinned as he spoke. "Hah, sounds like I'm already making good progress. Maybe you'll have to compete with me," he replied lightly. "You might have to fight a whole team of legendaries."

He tipped his head in a playful taunt. "You'd better make sure you keep up so you don't fall behind."
"Aha, is that so? I welcome it then. Challenge is the spice of life," Felin replied with an impressed look that barely hid the fire of competition burning underneath. She pointed at her bag.

"Say, lend me a paw with this thing. Don't seem to be getting anywhere." She cleared her throat. "Inventory management was never my thing, y'know?"
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