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Nova Roma

Lorem Ipsum

I'm probably going to get crucified for this, but oh well. Basically, I'm a huge fan of all things classical, and combining that with the fact that I love studying the syntax of languages (I know, you must be wondering how I have any friends), I came out with this. It's also an attempt to make an internet political system.

Basically Nova Roma is an RP/discussion forum that I created. The RP is the bit I'd like to focus on, and it's sort of bringing together people who like RPing, and those who like classical stuff. It's effectively applying the Roman model to today's world, which I thought could be interesting.

But that's all under the generic forum umbrella. I think that this forum has a couple of distinguishing features which you may or may not like. Anyway. The first relatively unique feature is the fact that there is a language that I am developing, and everybody who actively uses the forums is assisting to develop, that is a new type of Romance language, derived mainly from Latin. It's called Nova Romantica, or 'New Romantic' in English, and, if you have any knowledge of French, Spanish or English, shouldn't be too hard to learn, and if you have any knowledge of Latin, you should find it very easy. Note: learning the language is completely optional. It is by no means necessary to be fluent in it, it just helps to know a bit of it. And if you are proficient, then the next distinguishing feature becomes all the more exciting.

Nova Roma isn't the usual system of administrative teams picked through experience. To further the Roman style (from the next bit, you'll realise it's Republican Roman), the board will have an elected 'Senate'. This will then lead indirectly to the appointment of moderators, and the appointment of an administrator to serve alongside me. Basically, members elect Senators, who elect a representative in the High Senate, which is the upper house. This user then becomes 'Grand Consul', and appoints a team of 5(?) 'High Court Judges', who then become moderators and form the rest of the High Senate. Any new rules can be suggested in the Senate, which get passed through the bicameral system until it gets to me, and all I have to do is add the rule to the rulebook if it's forumwide, or add the law to the RP statute book if that's what it is.

Right. By this point, you probably think that I've gone crazy, and that it's a crap idea anyway. But to be honest, I quite like it because I have a fetish for politics I'm interested in this kind of stuff. Note though, this is all going to (hopefully) evolve over time, so at the moment while it might seem quite sketchy, if we get enough members (nudge nudge wink wink) and they stay active and are willing to help out, I think that this could be something cool.

But make of it what you will. And in case you missed that link, here it is again. Thank you for reading and please don't hurt me

Any questions?
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Definitely interested. Don't know if I have the time for this but registering anyway.
You know, I had the idea for an 'elected' forum moderator/administrative group thing floating around in my head, but never knew quite how to make it work. You have.
You know, I had the idea for an 'elected' forum moderator/administrative group thing floating around in my head, but never knew quite how to make it work. You have.

Thank you very much - I had hoped that it would work well. As of yet, we haven't really had enough members to elect anything, but hopefully, when we have a reasonable amount, we can start electing Senators, and get the political side of the forum rolling.
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