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Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey

understanding them

In the final moments of the fight, something clicked inside Koa. He'd embraced Shira's wholehearted fighting style, and matched it. He'd loved the fight just as she had. And perhaps, in her, he'd recognise someone else straining against destiny to be good...

The plumes of golden fire were Shira's strength, her power. But it was her flying claws and practiced form that she'd striven for, drilled endlessly to perfect. She'd used both. Was she trying to reconcile two parts of herself? Her talents in sorcery, and the monastic martial tradition that raised her...?

More than anything, this was a girl who wanted to fight well and with joy and be appreciated for it.

Somehow, that felt so familiar...

The final blow slammed into Shira's chin, and she flew back to land in a sprawl, her mouth agape and her eyes spinning. She was strong, though – shed recover from fainting in under a minute.

That minute afforded Koa a brief chance to relish the effort he'd exerted... and to notice that a robed figure had observed at least part of the duel. They lumbered off before he had a chance to approach them, but that silhouette past the paper dividing walls looked distinctly like Master Gandu...

"Oouh, wind and weather, Koamaru," wheezed Shira, as she pulled herself to her feet. "Nobody but the masters ever give me so hard a battle! I... I am truly grateful."

She bowed deeply, her expression blatantly betraying a hope that they could duel again some day, even if she was too nervous to ask out loud.
Breathing in sharp gasps, Koa stood facing Shira's downed form, his soul still burning, his body feeling so light. Unburdened. It hurt, he could feel the blows he'd taken and the aches, but his thoughts were bright. Free of doubt. Fighting Shira lit something in him. The way she fought, the discipline... She wanted something, wanted so bad it burned. Wanted to fight. It was admirable. Something he understood. Familiar?

She'd had a dream, and she fought tooth and scale for it. A kindred spirit like him... A movement in the corner of his vision drew him from his thoughts, and he spotted a figure leaving. One of the other monks? Maybe he'd ask about it later... He wondered if they would be willing to teach him more about Radiance.

"Oouh, wind and weather, Koamaru," wheezed Shira, as she pulled herself to her feet. "Nobody but the masters ever give me so hard a battle! I... I am truly grateful."
Koa chuckled awkwardly at the thanks, wondering if he supposed to bow too. He dipped his head, uncertain of the motion, then looked back up at her. "That was sick," he said, grinning. In an attempt at a more professional tone, he added, "Actually I should uh... thank you. I can't really fight like this back home, or even my teammates here. Fighting someone like you was awesome." His tone gave away his enthusiasm, and he flashed a smirk.

"You'll have to keep training so I don't win so easily next time." There was no genuine arrogance in his voice, just a friendly challenge, and excitement to fight her again. Even if he had managed to get the win this time, she still knew more than him about technique.
If another 'mon might have taken Koa's challenge for ego, Shira did not.

"I will keep training," she affirmed, pumping a fist. "And I will beat you, Koamaru! Because of you, I finally have a rival, not just stronger teachers and weaker students. Now my goal is to become stronger than you! You can't leave Forlas until I've achieved that goal. This I swear!"

The Charmeleon's delight was plain on her face, a lizard grin as wide as her head.

"I can't wait to tell the masters about this," she added, looking about herself. "Come on, let's go to the kitchens – and then, then— Oh, you haven't ridden Gyarados Amity yet, right? Let's go, let's go!"

Shira rushed to leave the dojo, grabbing at Koa's jacket sleeve as she did so, her excitement pouring out of her like a golden plume of flame. Her eyes weren't even gold, just their usual teal.
"Oh yeah? Well I'm not going to make it easy," he countered, his eyes sparkling with challenge. Daring her to mke good. A rush of pride and excitement flooded him. After being behind Kitto back home, it had been fun to come out on top for once. And even more fun to have a real rival again, that could really test him. And who he could learn from. "You'll have to show me some of your techniques sometime too."

Her eagerness caught him off guard as she grabbed his jacket, but he quickly brushed off his surprise. "Yeah that sounds sick! Let's go." He moved with a spring in his step, his tail wagging slightly. A thought briefly crossed his mind, that she was probably one of the first people on Forlas he'd been able to fight like this. And maybe his first friend.

"Now my goal is to become stronger than you."

Koa grinned. I look forward to it.

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