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Oh, Hi :D


New member
Hi, I'm Gary. You probably don't know me, but if you think you might, I usually go by "Kenji." I'm not so great at introductions, but.. I guess I'll tell you a little about myself?

I'm 17, my first Pokemon game was Crystal, I stopped watching the anime when May & Max showed up, I've been visiting this site for years, I'm a mediocre spriter and writer, I have 27 cats, I have a short attention span...

... yeah, I doubt you care about any of this. XD;

Well, hello, anyways. This place looks like fun.
Hallo, I'm pokemonaholic. Most people call me poke. 27 CATS?! I have 9 cats and I thought THAT was alot....I hope you take good care of them XD Also, youre not the only mediocre spriter around here :/
I don't believe that you have 27 cats! You must really like them.
P.S I have a pet dinosaur!
P.P.S Not really.
P.P.P.S Welcome to TCoD.
Hallo, I'm pokemonaholic. Most people call me poke. 27 CATS?! I have 9 cats and I thought THAT was alot....I hope you take good care of them XD Also, youre not the only mediocre spriter around here :/
I'm not? Well, at least being mediocre is better than completely sucking? XD

I don't believe that you have 27 cats! You must really like them.
P.S I have a pet dinosaur!
P.P.S Not really.
P.P.P.S Welcome to TCoD.
I was kinda exaggerating XD; Though I do have well over 10. It's hard to count cats, they don't stay still or in one place for long.

Thanks for the welcomes :D

you seem decent. I once had six cats.

..and by that, i mean my cat + her litter. they're still next door, however so :>

i'll leave the welcomes to everyone else. -grips flyswatter-

...er, sorry about that. Welcome to the TCoD. Just a question, but do you like Persian and Purugly? =P
Hey and Welcome to TCoD! And if you are good at spriting, then PM me for the details. Nothing big, just a recolour.
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