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[OOC/SIGNUPS] Streets Run Red

Oh gosh, guys, hate to do this to you but 'El Mañana' means tomorrow, not morning. Just thought you should um know.
I thought Manana meant either one... (knows a little Spanish to start a conversation)
Haha, it's just the pronoun that really makes the difference. La goes to morning, el to tomorrow -- it's a slight difference. NOT THAT ANY OF OUR CHARACTERS CLAIM TO KNOW SPANISH THOUGH :B
Hey Thorn, what are the rules when it comes to NPCs? I'm thinking ahead a little, but I'm wondering if I can take control of Jason's soon to be boss in the morning.
Unfortunately, my laptop is out of commission, and I don't know for how long. Since now I have end of the year schoolwork to deal with, I think I'll be quite behind if I were to get back in, so count me out.
NAME: Zachary Hamlin

AGE: 18


GANG: Rhinestone Eyes

TAG NAME: Nights

APPEARANCE: Zach stands at close to 6 feet tall with a light build, although he is stronger than his appearence would suggest. He has lightly tanned skin and strong legs. His black hair hangs down to just past his eyes. He wears a thick black jacket with a silver undershirt and a pear of black trousers.

[Zoroark] (M) Mantra*
[Honchkrow] (M) Nightwing
[Krookodile] (F) Astel
[Chandelure] (F) Blaise
[Golurk (Shiny)] (M) Harmon
[Scrafty] (M) Jarokk

(Really wish I had seen this earlier. Well, I'm off to read four pages of Roleplaying.)
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