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[open] Act One: OOC


local hellion
A new play has just opened on Broadway, and you’re in it!

In an ordinary high school in Philadelphia, twelve teenagers, six boys and six girls, are searching for their – pardon the clichéd expression – soul mates. They all know each other, but they don’t exactly know who their Mister or Miss Perfect will be. He/she will be part of the group, but no matter how much they try, they always seem to wind up with the wrong people.

Can these crazed adolescents find their soul mates from the group?

The curtain’s rising; Act One is about to begin.

In short, you and eleven other teens are looking for the one person you’d be perfect with. Will you find him/her?


~I’m aware that this is a romance roleplay but if you do anything that involves taking off your clothes I’m taking off your head.
~No godmoding or powerplaying or character/time control. Please. That will also get your head taken off.
~Be polite. I mean, just because your character hates somebody else’s character for no apparent reason doesn’t mean you should hate their roleplayer for no apparent reason.
~Sorry, but there’s only twelve characters. And one character per person. It’s unfair if someone wants to join but can’t because someone took two characters.
~Swearing is okay to a point. Don’t go overboard, please.
~Pleasepleaseplease use good grammar. It really helps.


Name: *self-explanatory*
Age: *14-18 please*
Gender: *male/female*
Role: *Boy/Girl 1-6*
Bio: *optional*
Other: *anything else?*

Boy One: / Girl One: Serenity~Me
Boy Two: / Girl Two: Vai~Dragon
Boy Three: / Girl Three: Rezerved~Mewtwo
Boy Four: / Girl Four:
Boy Five: / Girl Five:
Boy Six: / Girl Six:

Form will be posted after somebody posts their own. ^^
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Name: Vai Rochora
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Role: Hermaphrodite 1 Girl 2
Appearance: Wears a black jacket over a red shirt, and brown pants. Vai has dark brown hair, around average height.
Bio: She learned the word 'hermaphrodite' on the internet, and overuses it.
Personality: Vai is rather reckless, and doesn't care for what people think of her. She acts first and thinks later, resulting in.. bad decisions. Vai is tomboyish, and would rather not admit she's looking for her one to love.

First? =3 Too short, yes, no, maybe...
'Tis fine. Accepted.

That bio is hilarious. XP

Now for mine:

Name: Serenity Kusa
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Role: Girl One
Appearance: Serenity has long, brown hair and green eyes. She usually wears a pink dress and big, brown boots. She sports a giant white ribbon on her head.
Bio: Serenity’s just your average freshman. Nothing special.
Personality: Serenity is hyperactive and bouncy. It's a miracle if you can get her to stay still. She adores flowers and shiny stuff.
Other: n/a

(Rachel is lazy and just copies stuff from other threads. XP)
Name: Mysti
Age: 14
Gender: Femalez
Role: Girl 3
Appearance: Can I get back to you with an edited trainer?
Bio: N/A
Personality: PO
Other: Unfinished, because I am making the trainer. Please reserve this one.
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