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Our first football game


I am not yet dead!!! :D
It all went well! Of course our band sucks, and our team sucks, but the Elks (our team; I know...wtf) still managed to win the game 16-14. We performed the first part of our show at halftime. It was alot of fun. So yes :D
Lol thanks. The only bad part (once again) was my section. It was bad enough that the tubas sat in the nosebleed section (but that's to be expected), but the scection was awful again. One of the tubas was high, but they all acted like it.

Ah well, despite that, it was still great.
This Friday we have to go all the way to Abilene, which is, like, three hours away
I can't tell due to your lack of location, but is this British football or American football? Either way, congratulations! And, uh, what do you mean 'our show'?
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I can't tell due to your lack of location, but is the British football or American football? Either way, congratulations! And, uh, what do you mean 'our show'?
Pretty sure its American Football, because here in America, during halftime we have small little show, usually with a band playing or a small performance.
Yup American Football. And during halftime, our marching band performs our arrangement. We're marching and playing some of the music from the musical West Side Story! :D
I can't tell due to your lack of location, but is this British football or American football? Either way, congratulations! And, uh, what do you mean 'our show'?

I hate to be nitpicky but "British football" really doesn't make sense considering no one is quite sure where football came from. Not everything is American/British. 8)
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