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D/P/Pt Platinum Battle Tower Team


Also known as Hyozanryu
I prefer the Battle Tower to Wi-Fi play because I've had some bad experiences over Wi-Fi, and the AI is easier to beat.

Starmie @Life Orb
Timid Nature; 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
Ice Beam

Standard early DP counter set; although this is outdated in Wi-Fi play, because there are no tiers in the Battle Tower I have to be prepared for lots of Garchomp, especially in the Wi-Fi section (where the AI controls actual trainers' Pokemon). Stamie also has a pefect Speed IV.

Flygon @Choice Scarf
Adamant Nature; 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe

Fire Punch

An obvious choice for my team, as Flygon is my favorite. Fire Punch handily defeats all but the bulkiest Scizor, which can seriously endanger this team. Outrage can be risky, but often 1HKOs anything that doesn't have a resistance or serious Defense investment.

Scizor @Leftovers
Careful Nature; I can't recall the exact EVs, and Smogon is down at the moment, but it involved 200 HP, major Defense and Sp Defense investments, and the rest (about 52 EVs) in Attack. This is the Bulky Uber EV spread.

Swords Dance
Bullet Punch

Yes, I know it's stupid having U-Turn and Swords Dance on the same set. The thing is, most of the time I'm just using Scizor for safe switching of my two sweepers. Swords Dance is because sometimes I get into a sticky situation and really need to set up with Bullet Punch. Although this set seems odd, it works quite well as support.

I would love an opinion on this team. All I've had is my own testing and a friend's suggestions. Incidentally, I prefer Heatran to Starmie, but too many bad experiences with Milotic and Infernape led to the change.
I'm not overly experienced with the Battle Tower, but I reckon its foolish to have both Lefties AND Roost on the same set, considering the Scizor isn't a wall.

Apart from that, I can't see anything too bad.
Starmie is definitely the go to for Battle Tower. Fantastic coverage and with that spread I doubt there would be too many pokemon in the tower that wouldn't be 2HKOd with the super effective hit. I ran Rapid Spin on one. for a while, before realizing that the AI is too stupid to lay down hazards.
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