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Pokemon ALIVE! Only on Discovery Channel.

Awh, I was thinking about this the other day! :3

Like...I imagine you'd have to go to school until you were say, 16, which is when you'd have the qualifications to catch Pokemon. Pokeballs wouldn't be sold if you didn't have ID and if you owned a Pokemon in a Pokeball and were under 16 It'd be treated similarly to like, being caught with Alcohol or something. You could have Pokemon as pets as opposed to being fighting Pokemon, but they'd be more laid back, like a housecat's nature in comparison to a tiger or a wildcat...

Most families would probably have a ~family pokemon~ for protection, but ones who didn't could hire one for travelling from moneysucking companies...Like hiring cars! :3

Bahahahahahaha, it's really fun to think about it...!
Would that mean you'd see a bunch of dead Pachirisu and Deerling on the side of the road? Poor things. Imagine having Shandera just staring at you while eating dinner... It would probably eat the leftovers. Aw, crap. that means the Vanillish I'd be eating would be staring at me with puppy eyes the whole time... I would wreak of guilt! so many possibilities! :3
This idea makes me very glad to be a vegetarian...
Imagine like, Pidgey legs or something instead of chicken legs!! D:
I don't think that people would be eating Pokemon... Think about it, the Pokemon world has, as of now, 649 Pokemon, and ours has millions of animal species. So, Pokemon may be the strongest and smartest creatures in the world, but there must be lesser creatures without types that could be edible.
The factor of a documentary upon Pokemon itself would be interesting - especially from a sociological standpoint, consider how major an impact nature has held upon our own current and advancing society. With such Pokemon holding the aforementioned role these interesting differences shall be expanded upon and theorized with a pleasure only matched by digging through various Pokemon write-ups dealing with factors of science. The evolutionary factor - not Pokemon-based evolution, but Darwinist evolution - would also be considered an interesting puzzle, considering how such an unremarkable species has grown to dominate the world over such "fauna" considered holding more intelligence i.e. Alakazam and Reuniclus. But perhaps evolution may simply work in a different manner.

Pidgey legs = finger-lickin' good!

I do hear Colonel Sandshrew's Kanto Fried Pidgey is gaining quite the popularity.

I don't think that people would be eating Pokemon... Think about it, the Pokemon world has, as of now, 649 Pokemon, and ours has millions of animal species. So, Pokemon may be the strongest and smartest creatures in the world, but there must be lesser creatures without types that could be edible.

If I am not mistaken, I do believe various scenarios in the anime and a certain tome about the history of the relationship between such Pokemon and humans in the Canalave Library implied the consumption of Pokemon by such humans. Of course, the scenario itself is considered odd, considering how humans and Pokemon are in general considered more equals than the relationship between humanity and animals in reality.
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