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Pokemon Mafia!

Guys, I have implemented a new rule. The Mafia janitor can only clean up bodies every third night. So

NIGHT (no clean) NIGHT (no clean) NIGHT (cleaned up body) And so on.

The Pokemon gather around the square, and march/corner Eifie into the noose. She/he begins to scream in fear, as the noose is tightened. Everyone looks away and cowers as they hear her/his last scream.

Eifie is dead. She was an innocent, regular townie.

Due to the new rule I implemented in an earlier post, the identity of this Pokemon (it's Pokemon Mafia) is revealed.

48 hours for night choices. Sorry for my lateness guys.

The rule only applies to Mafia kill, I'm acting really forgetful again. Sorry!!
As all the Pokemon travel once again to the main town square, someone's missing...

The body of Sweet Silver Nightmare is sprawled all over the walls of the fountain! :o

DUE TO THE RULE (which was not activated for the above post) THE ROLE OF THIS POKEMON IS REVEALED.

Sweet Silver Nightmare is dead. She was the inspector.

Guys, you lost your inspector. Not looking too good, is it? >.>

24 hours for day choices.
Well, Mewtini, it was you who told the mafia she was inspector...

"Sweet Silver Nightmare, pick someone to investigate tonight, it's now mandatory. I haven't announced it in the thread yet."

I am the worst mafia game moderator ever. But I said that knowing that it'd be revealed anyway :P

But I still fail Mafia.
Lalala don't worry! I'm roleclaiming!

I am Piplup, a mafia goon! There are 6 mafia members; since this is a 12-player game and there are no innocent killing roles, we had a very high chance of winning from the start. We'll lose only if the jack-of-all-trades (Eevee) kills a lot of us and then many of us get lynched.

So Mewtini, although this game didn't go very well, I'm sure that if you want to try again, it'll go well. Just remember a few things.

- The mafia is a minority! As the mafia rules thread states, it is a clash between the informed minority (mafia) vs. the uninformed majority (innocents). Usually the ratio of mafia to innocents is about 1 mafia for every 4 innocents. Maybe 1 to 5.
- Vigilantes are cool.
- When you want to send a message to everyone, make sure it doesn't involve vital information.

And no, I don't think you fail mafia. Just that, well, maybe you need some more experience playing. I've been playing for a few months, I think, and you've only had, like, a few weeks? So you should probably go and participate in some mafia games (like the next one I'll do) and learn some more.

I hope this helped! I'm sort of bored and it doesn't look like anyone's going to do anything in this game, so I'll lynch myself. Seritinajii
Yes, of course! So go play some more games and stuff. You'll see that when people have given up and stuff.
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