- Pronoun
- they or she
Though some of the Wayfarers may have hoped to meet 'Chief' Sinopa at once, the hour had grown late and fatigue had set in. Those who could even keep themselves awake after finding a bed to collapse into, if they were to call out to Sinopa as suggested, would be answered only with a soothing sort of humming, as if they had summoned a lullaby...
...When they woke, there was one extra pokémon in the quarters with them. A pale, mulberry-furred feline was also in the room, curled up atop a low clay wardrobe, and purring deeply. Small gold bands around her forelimbs and piercing one ear indicated this was no feral.
The room's windows, though small and meant more for ventilation, let golden light flow in. It felt like late morning.
...When they woke, there was one extra pokémon in the quarters with them. A pale, mulberry-furred feline was also in the room, curled up atop a low clay wardrobe, and purring deeply. Small gold bands around her forelimbs and piercing one ear indicated this was no feral.
The room's windows, though small and meant more for ventilation, let golden light flow in. It felt like late morning.