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Ranger HQ Pueblo Quarters

[Ch04] ~ Local Cat is Current Location
  • Though some of the Wayfarers may have hoped to meet 'Chief' Sinopa at once, the hour had grown late and fatigue had set in. Those who could even keep themselves awake after finding a bed to collapse into, if they were to call out to Sinopa as suggested, would be answered only with a soothing sort of humming, as if they had summoned a lullaby...

    ...When they woke, there was one extra pokémon in the quarters with them. A pale, mulberry-furred feline was also in the room, curled up atop a low clay wardrobe, and purring deeply. Small gold bands around her forelimbs and piercing one ear indicated this was no feral.

    The room's windows, though small and meant more for ventilation, let golden light flow in. It felt like late morning.
    Ch04: Hooks and Shadows (Koa & Archie)
  • Koa paced around the quiet room, glancing ever so often at the door. Not long after he arrived and heard of the Oasis from Sybil, he'd sent word via Betel to ask Archie to make the trip out here.

    But he hadn't actually had a chance to tell Archie everything he learned from Mhynt before he left. It felt weird still to share things through Betel. And some small part of him wanted to do it in person. He missed him. So he'd asked if Archie could meet him in private.

    It felt like he'd wear a hole in the floor at this rate. Hopefully Sinopa wouldn't notice. His stomach had gotten into knots by now and his mind started to invent worse case scenarios. Would he be forced to turn on Archie? Hurt him? Hurt the team?

    How did he explain it to Archie? And how did he explain this to everyone else?
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    Ch07: How to Train Your Drapion 2 [Koa & Drapion]
  • The weight of the pokeball zipped safely inside Koa's jacket pocket felt so familiar. Nostalgic. Traveling here, he felt like a trainer again. Going on an adventure, a pokemon by his side... except in this case it wasn't a friendly purple bat, it was a terrifying purple scorpion. Who'd tried to kill them a few months ago. Close enough.

    Drapion had come so far. Koa had made time between everything else going on to keep up with visits to Drapion, talking to him, bringing food and spening time with him. He liked to think by now Drapion at least respected him. Or maybe liked him. Tucked into his jacket was the shed claw from the battle with Drapion when he'd been shadowed. And now, finally, after all these weeks he thought Drapion might be ready.

    Sybil had agreed to meet him near the Ranger HQ with the Relic Stone. Koa found a spot close enough to be safe but far enough for Drapion to have plenty of space, and informed Sinopa that he was ready for Sybil. His heart raced with excitement and anticipation of being able to help the Drapion. This would work... he had to believe it.
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