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Ranger HQ Pueblo Quarters

He chuckled. That statement had certainly sounded corny enough to come from a fortune cookie, but, he appreciated the sentiment behind it all the same. All in all, it seemed like they’d managed to salvage this interaction, it had been rough, and the Oshawott still felt like he could’ve done more, but maybe he’d managed to get Koa to trust him a little more. If the Electrike was more willing to be open with him in the future, then it would’ve all been worth it.

“I’m glad I’m here, too,” Archie replied, earnestly. Here, with all of his friends. Together, it felt like there was nothing they couldn’t accomplish. It would start with conquering this Dungeon, dealing with Alex’s corruption, and then they’d take the fight to Cipher, and anyone else who made it their goal to hurt people. Because that’s what heroes were for, wasn’t it?

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