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Sojaveña Wilds Rail Bridge Over the Silver

It was four of them against just three. Gladion wasn’t going to complain, he needed all the help he could get, but in a less tense match he could’ve seen himself disappointed not to see what Halćon could do too. (Even if the answer was kicking their asses. They were warriors, after all, while he and the other Wayfarers were not.)

Two of the warriors disappeared, leaving Gladion unable to hit them physically. That was fine, because Pyrrin would be vulnerable enough for him. A Houndoom and a Fletchinder were a rough match with two small grass types, but Gladion was neither small nor grass type. He’d have to keep Pyrrin pinned (figuratively or literally) for as much of the fight as possible. There wasn’t much he could do about a Fletchinder, he’d just have to hope someone else would figure out a way to deal with Sol.

As soon as the fight started, he moved to close on Pyrrin. Not committing to a body press right away— he wanted to be prepared to take a hit on-helmet first and follow up with a counterattack after— but making it clear he could do strike if Pyrrin tried to turn his attention to one of the other Wayfarers instead.
And what of after the fight? The Commonwealth will make war with us and use the rail to transport troops and supplies. Even if they don't, the rail will accelerate settlement of Sohavenia until the clans are squeezed out. We must act."
The Fletchinder's words stuck with Jade, and not for the first time, she had a flash of doubt, and wondered if she was doing the right thing, or standing in the way of the people trying to take action rather than sitting in an endless stalemate. Just like back home...

But then everyone started squaring up for battle, and she snapped herself out of her daze. Regardless of which path they took, they needed to prove they weren't all just empty talk and no action. That hadn't changed.

Familiar battle instincts kicked in, surveying the Escarpa lineup. Two fires and a water on the other side, two grass on the Wayfarers' side. Not the best match. Did anyone have any rock moves she could call on? Should've practiced together more, should have--

No point dwelling on that, had to make the most of this.

Jade called on the water that Kyoko had taught her and felt the temperature around her paws drop right before swinging her arms toward the firebird, aiming to dampen his moves before he could take off.
Pyrrin was eyeing each of the combatants, his gaze fixing on the grass-types with a toothy smirk before crouching down when he noticed the chimera's approach.

He shot a blast of fire at Gladion's feet in an attempt to cut him off from a direct approach and, in the brief flash of light, ran around him to try and run down one of Mhynt or Felin - which ever one ended up being closer - his fangs alight with flames that were ready to shoot whoever got themselves in range first.
Sol's agility and speed were breathtaking – Jade had no chance at all at tracking his flight and landing a hit during takeoff. As he descended, his feathers rippled with flame – all the hotter for having the sun at his back – and he aimed his entire body at Jade.

Ria's approach was more cautious than her fellows'. She emerged a little downstream and stalked up the bank, eyeing Mhynt carefully, her tail swaying from side to side as she stabilised herself. Her seal-like fur glistened with pulses of energy as she strengthened herself with a move of some kind, preparing while the Fire-type boys distracted the Wayfarers...

Meanwhile, Halcón took a loaf-like pose and yawned peaceably.

"I'm not sure your friend over there really has her heart in this," he commented.

Laura wet her mouth and steadied her breathing with a low whistle. If she shouted a command, would that be cheating? Or at least, unsporting...?

"We don't have to have all the answers to fight for a chance to find them," she murmured.
And then, Mhynt disappeared in thin air, right in front of Ria's observation no less. Her gaze had flicked to Sol's position like she was about to strike him.

It may have come as a surprise, then, when Mhynt instead appeared directly on Ria's back, her hand gently touching her back. "My role in fights is often to disrupt the observers, you know," Mhynt said.

And she disappeared again. A simple touch was all she'd done? Mhynt could have done so much more. Was she toying with them?

The true intent of that touch was apparent seconds later. A slow, insidious poison...
He had to make a snap decision before the team's connection to Betel had even come online.

When Pyrrin attacked, Gladion lowered his helmet to try to take the brunt of the flame. It was pointless, the flames were aimed at his feet. By the time he realized it, he was already moving, already singing his talons. There was no time to think in these situations, after all. Planning had to give way to instinct. The human parts of his mind settled into the backseat as the creature took the controls.

Its instincts told him to keep going, push through the burning and the pain. Endurance was what he was made for, and he could endure this thing his human mind would have deemed insane if it meant not conceding his goal right away. As long as he kept moving as quickly as possible, didn't stand still and linger in the heat for longer than necessary, he could keep going. Keep moving in hopes flame wouldn't cling to any one part long enough to burn too severely. Nothing to do but keep running.

He wouldn't have time to make any new plans, so he simply wouldn't let himself concede this one. At least not this easily. Instinct told him that failing to press on would be conceding to Pyrrin, so he had to counterattack anyways. He hurled himself a body press, because it was simply all he had.

"Come on! I'm not gonna let you ignore me."
Ria yowled a battlecry of frustration, and her eyes shone as she summoned a barrier of light around herself and her allies.

"The Treecko uses Teleport into Toxic!" she barked to the other warriors. "Sweep over stall!"

"Heard!" called Sol, diving in another Flare Blitz, aiming for Mhynt.
"Careful what you wish for!" Pyrrin retorted as he was shoved off his trajectory from the sheer size of Gladion's body. "I'll handle this one, you lot focus on the rest!" he shouted to the others. Then, with snapping, flaming fangs, he latched onto Gladion's side and tried to sink his teeth into his shoulder.
Ria yowled a battlecry of frustration, and her eyes shone as she summoned a barrier of light around herself and her allies.

Felin sucked in a brief, reached for the traces of power floating in the air and seized hold of it.

A barrier to light closed around Gladion, Jade and all the others. Felin breathed a huff, dashing towards Ria.

"Allow me to keep you busy~" She said, lunging at her with a stab of her blade.
The barrier would be nice but Mhynt was much more concerned about the incoming Fletchinder's Flare Blitz. A Pokemon of that element chasing her down with that attack... How nostalgic. At least she knew to run. Muscle memory was one thing that must have carried over at least slightly. She didn't have time to Teleport away from the Flare Blitz, and she wasn't sure if she could endure even one of those. But perhaps with a tricky maneuver...

"Gladion!" Mhynt called, sprinting his way. "Down!"

It was a direction. She hoped he would understand in the heat of the moment.

And if Gladion understood, then something falling upon Sol would be a lot more surprising than a mere Toxic... Mhynt put her faith in him at that moment.
Gladion heard “down” and instinctually ducked before the human part of his head, in contact with Betelnet, caught up and got the actual idea.

His eyes widened. “Oh, shit, bye,” he mumbled awkwardly at Pyrrin.

Not being able to see his target posed some trouble, but Mhynt was doing a good chunk of the aiming for him. He reached blindly with his talons to try to grab Sol out of the air, and drag them down with him while doing some kind of a body press.

He’d had his reservations when the idea first hit him, especially with the memory of his rough arrival at the railroad close in mind, but honestly getting to do this unhinged sky piledriver was pretty damn cool.
Ria didn't seem bothered by the prospect of fighting Felin, or of taking a hit from her sword. Instead, she opened her mouth and wordlessly let loose a concentrated stream of Ice-type energy, made all the stronger by her earlier Calm Mind.

Nearby, Sol crashed into Mhynt, scattering sparks across the riverbank. Before the bird could recover, the entire bulk of Gladion crashed down atop him, pinning him to the ground with a shrill, shrieking cry. After taking a moment to compose himself, he began breathing steadily, recovering his strength – a Roost technique. It was that, or risk fainting.

"Your coordination in battle is greater than your... pack disunity led me to expect," commented Halcón, languidly. "Those are some impressive battle tactics. Improvised, or prepared?"

Laura let out a little burst of nervous laughter. "Yeah, no kidding. Uh, I bet Mhynt has done that before, but not with Gladion. So, a bit of both? Improvised implementation of a technique known only to one of them."

The Luxio nodded. "They're holding their own better than I expected. This will help the battlehearts respect them, and so bring us closer to agreement and cooperation."

Laura nodded, wondering if that had been the plan all along. She knew by now that townies weren't big on battling for recreation or communication, and those were of tantamount importance to the Escarpa. Maybe battling each other was necessary before they could talk...
Mhynt hissed, recovering some on Gladion's back. She couldn't take another hit like that. She'd have to use her Teleports more defensively from here on until she could get her bearings again.

She took the extra time instead to watch the battlefield and get potshots when she could. "I'll need you to defend me," Mhynt said to Gladion. "If we get surrounded, I'll Teleport us out. Do what you can to fight until then and don't worry about your back. I'll watch it."
Jade was knocked reeling, coughing hard as she rolled across the dirt. Her fur burned as she spit out sand, and there was a flash of panic in the back of her head—searing heat, too much, nono—before she tamped it down. The flames were already gone, she was a Pokemon now, get it together.

She should’ve realized Sol would be too fast for a trick like that, but what else could she try? Jade couldn’t think of anything to reach for out of her allies’ moves. Needed speed, needed speed—Quick Attack? Sure, why not; she felt her reflexes turn liquid, lightning speed, dashing forward, aiming for that too-fast firebird again.
Sol's recovery was interrupted as Jade collided with him – with another high shriek, he slashed at her with his talons, wings shimmering with flames once again. He moved – this time to wrap Jade in fire.

"Better keep your distance!" he cried, making light of how badly he'd been struck already.

Ria, silent, drew no attention to herself as she fended off Felin – she waited for her moment, then loosed another Ice Beam towards Mhynt when the Vaporeon judged her to be the least aware of an incoming beam.

"Do they fight together often?" Laura asked the Luxio by her side.

"We all do," came the laconic reply. "We try to understand one another well. To be able to depend on each other."

Laura nodded. That tracked.

"Mutual dependency," she murmured to herself, thinking hard...
There was a deep satisfaction to landing a hit like that one. And to the battle in general, really. The stakes, his fears and worries, it all faded into the background behind the reality of the fight in this singular moment. It was the same clarity he felt when facing Rin, and must have been what was missing while feeling out-of-it fighting Farin and Valere.

In a sense, it was the opposite of what using the ball had been— instead of his body melting away so he could exist free from it, in this fight he was his body acting as everything else that would otherwise weigh on his mind dissolved instead. It didn’t matter: It was a relief all the same. Better, even, because here there was something to do, a challenge to face. Better than being stuck alone with his thoughts.

Sol had escaped from him, but hadn’t taken flight again like he’d expected. This was a bad time to take a breather, and it must’ve been a good sign if Sol had to take one anyway. He didn’t intend to let them escape again.

The screech helped him orient himself to Sol’s location again. He understood on some level that he was letting Pyrrin go unchecked, and that it might even be a mistake, but he couldn’t let this shot go.

He lashed out to grab Sol for real this time, and not let go until, be it through fire or crushing force, one of them fainted.

“And let you go? Nah.”
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Mhynt cursed and burned a Teleport, going for counter-defense this time. She focused on the trail of the Ice Beam and bit down on an Oran Berry for good measure.

So many attacks going her way. She'd have to check the charms on this scarf when she returned to town...

A swift kick to the back of Ria's head was Mhynt's response, getting Acrobatic with her maneuvers on the slower aquatic Pokemon. Mhynt tried to hop on rocks and nearby ledges for now while she bought time to charge another Teleport. Limber. Keep the momentum. She'd have to return to Gladion eventually. How was that Toxic doing?
With all his attention focused on Sol, Pyrrin saw an opening and ran behind the chimera. With a grin, he shot a blast of fire at Gladion's back.

"What's that? I thought you didn't want me ignoring you!" He taunted. "All bark no bite?"
A swift kick to the back of Ria's head was Mhynt's response, getting Acrobatic with her maneuvers on the slower aquatic Pokemon.

Felin smirked and shot forward in a trailblaze, ramming into Ria's chin from blow right after Mhynt kicked her down. It lacked the full strength it would've dealt had she not turned psychic, but that was fine.

Felin dashed back a few feet creating distance, a distance she immediately, firing off with another trailblazing blur. Each use made her faster, ramping up her momentum with every strike. This time she aimed for Ria's left side, rapier aimed with a swift stab of green.
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Vaporeon Ria took one hit, then another, and let out another battlecry – the Reflect she'd put up was doing much to shield the Escarpa warriors, but she would reach her limits eventually all the same. Even as she tired, she had more Ice Beams to levy against the 'mon fighting her, however...

Two against one by the river; one against two on terra firma. Gladion was hit from two sides by a pincer attack from the Fire-types. Sol's apparent fragility was a facade, given his repeated swift use of Roost to recover himself. Gripping onto him was not enough – it would take focused attacks to break him.

Very soon, it would be two-on-two.

"Mutual dependency," Laura said again, turning to look at Halcón. "Right now, the rail is a threat to you, and you're a threat to Commonwealth industry. If there were some agreement made – like, the clan agreeing to police the rail instead, in exchange for legal protections or payment or whatever would benefit you the most, that would change the entire situation. That's something we could negotiate, if we could talk to the right people. They might not like it, but I bet they'd prefer it if the alternative was to get the shit knocked out of them."

Halcón's ear flicked, and he gave her a quizzical look. "I'm hearing a lot of civilised jargon, but it sounds like you actually believe what you're saying, Meowth."

Laura nodded, her eyes back on the fight.

"Yeah. Yeah, we've got this. Fuck it. Gladion, pull his talons up, get him off his feet!"

Now she wanted to win.
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