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Random Return


Zoltea - The Jolteon
This is mainly for those who don't know me, but it also has stuff to keep people who did know me up to date.

If you go back in TCoD forums history about 1.5 years, you'll find my posts from long ago. I left for a while but have now returned.
Why? I was on a chat site and some friends were posting pictures, specifically one of them was posting Jolteon pictures (reason should be obvious) and one of them was a pixel-over. I clicked on the image and saw it was DA. I decided to look at the name of the artist and saw "antialiasis". I knew that name from back when I was here initially. So I checked a lo and behold it was indeed Butterfree's/Bachuru's DA I had stumbled upon. So I was inclined to return here.

For those who don't know me, I am a fun-loving Jolteon who loves sour things. I can sometimes be very random or spontaneous, but I love making people happy. Back in 2009, I had taken over the forum games (which is why I ended up with my record posts in one day) such that almost literally 20 seconds after someone posted in it I would post. Back during this time, I sucked horribly at art as well (PM me if you want to see how much I sucked, lol).
Since my last time here I improved majorly on drawing (studied how to draw 4-legged anatomy for 2 months, the Jolteon drawing on my DA was completed 7 months after disappearing from here). One of the sites I went to (was there for a solid year) ended up changing my view of artwork, so my aim in drawing is to do it without using reference pictures, tracing things, etc. just 100% original drawings (except for maybe idea). In fact, all of the pictures in my signature and avatar were drawn by me (but I still have the same profile picture from when I first joined, which came from a card), completely from scratch. I also learned how to do animation (particularly flash animation) and learned some programming.

So that's about it for me. As for my full personality you'll just have to be around me to learn. ^^
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