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Recommendations; female vocalist rock, alternative?


As I'm sure you all know I don't really share the tastes of the general population of TCoDtown, but yeah. I respect most people here's tastes nevertheless so recommendations? I'm becoming more open-minded about music and I'm trying to broaden the genres I listen to.

I'm thinking along the lines of poprock, or just modern rock - preferably with a female vocalist. And don't say Paramore, something less mainstream and less teeny bopper.
pop-rock? consider blondie, i guess. they still stand as one of the more innovative pop groups that i can think of. everyone likes their third album, parallel lines; i'm more in line with eat to the beat, parallel lines' follow-up. each one has plenty of good pop songs, though. you can't really go wrong checking out either.

she doesn't qualify as pop-rock, but i really admire cat power. she writes really moody songs with very basic instrumentation. a lot of people recommend moon pix; i'm going to recommend you are free because it works better in warmer weather.

that leaves santogold/santigold, who writes songs in whatever style she likes, be it rap, new wave, ska, dub, etc. maybe you've heard of robyn as well?
Rilo Kiley spring to mind first. Katy Perry's pretty awesome too. Kill Casino maybe.

I dunno. Only other things that spring to mind when I put female vocalist and rock together are Arch Enemy and Rolo Tomassi but they're not exactly up your alley from what I can see. Also female vocalist + alternative brings Regina Spektor to mind, but again, doesn't seem your thing.
Thanks a lot, guys!

Blondie isn't really what I'm looking for, but I'm definitely going to look further into The Gathering and Indica. Regina Spektor is particularly brilliant~

And I'll look into the other suggestions made, too. (: Thanks again everyone!
I'll just throw Kamelot and Draconian in here to. XD Both male and female vocals, awesome stuff. :3
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